Saturday, December 8, 2007

They're Starting on Huckabee

Now that Mike Huckabee has become a serious Republican contender in the Presidential race, the left-wing media is wasting no time attacking him.

But today's weak attempt only shows these clowns for what they are - partisan, "spinning" jerks who have no business calling themselves newsmen or journalists.

Today's article, spread by the Associated Press, describes how, in 1992, Huckabee stated that it might be wise to quarantine people with AIDS.

It really does not matter which side you are on in the AIDS issue - that has nothing to do with what the AP is "reporting". Or rather, "spinning."

Let's set aside personal beliefs for just a moment and look more closely at this attempt to smear a man. Huckabee thought quarantine for AIDS carriers to be a viable plan in 1992. In case you missed it - 1992! That's just eleven short years after AIDS was introduced to America, and just a couple of years after it became a very real threat. Almost everyone was scared to death of AIDS, because we had just found out that anyone - ANYONE - could get AIDS. And in 1992, the majority of people considered the wisdom of some sort of quarantine for this disease that was not only deadly, but had no cure in sight. It's not like Huckabee was alone in considering quarantine. Even the CDC gave it consideration to some degree.

Let me ask you one question: is there not something that you believed 15 years ago that you no longer believe? Have you not changed your opinion on anything in the last 15 years?

I'll be honest with you - as much as "quarantine" may be a very poor option, and would be cruel and not a viable option, it is still the option that, purely from a survival standpoint, is the option that makes sense.

Can we do it? No. Should we? No. But if we were concerned more with survival and less with being civilized, it is the only option that would make sense. So, none of us has any right to judge anyone else who, 15 years ago, in the height of the hysteria, thought quarantine might be a solution.

The Associated Press and all the other partisan media should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves for spinning this non-story strictly for partisan purposes. Any media that is supposed to present news objectively, but pulls this crap instead, are just, plain despicable.

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