Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Truckers Heading To D.C. - the Greatest Mistake of All?

 See the source image

If ever there was a time for (un)Common Sense, this is it.

The date is February 1, 2022 and truckers across America appear to be planning on gathering at Washington DC to protest madates and the tyranny running rampant in our Republic. Commendable, yes. But this would be the BIGGEST mistake since Waterloo! Repeat after me: "Welcome to my parlor said the spider to the fly."

Make no mistake - this could - and likely will - boomerang and destroy what chance we have at righting this great ship called America. The people behind it may or may not be well-meaning, but are definitely wrong-headed. Worse yet, the people who got this started may be infiltrators purposely setting this up in order to pull off the greatest false flag in history. Yes, I said SET-UP! It would be incredibly naive to believe the government could not be behind the fueling of this drive to DC. But whether they are or are not changes nothing - when the truckers get to DC, the Deep State will be waiting for them. And not just "waiting" - you can bet your sweet bippy that the convoy will be infiltrated with FEDS and/or FED informants.

If anyone thinks the truckers would not be walking into the biggest trap in human history, they need their head examined. J6 was nothing compared to what the deep state will have waiting for them. It will be J6 on steroids.

If you don't understand that they would even blow up the White House in order to turn the country against patriot conservatives, you need to be reminded of the JFK assassination, the World Trade Center, the Pentagon bombing, Nashville on Christmas Day, or Oklahoma City. And THIS time it's for all the marbles!

TRUCKERS - They are waiting for you, and trust me - you are NOT prepared. And when it goes down, the global elites will be victorious because you underestimate the depth of their evil, and you are likely arrogant enough to believe the deep state could not possibly defeat 100,000 truckers.

What you may not realize - they won't have to defeat anyone. All they need to do is blow up the White House or run some other terrible false flag when the truckers get there and make it look like "right wing extremists" are responsible. And imagine how much more powerful their false narrative would be if they arrange for Biden to be in it at the time - kill two birds with one stone! We all know Biden has outlived his usefulness to them.

There is a BETTER way to fight - - if you must have a convoy (not recommended - see below), blockade NYC, the HOME of the wealthy Dem Donors. The HOME of the elites, where they live, work & play. The FINANCIAL center that funds it all. Home of the media propaganda arm of the DNC.

Do not ENTER the city - just block it off from goods and services. Tell them you will only stay for 10 days, to show them your power (empty shelves, no fuel), and in 10 days you will all go home, park your rigs and go fishing, delivering NOTHING to ANYONE until the federal and state governments cease all mandates and restores all freedoms. When the elite no longer have the fine living they are accustomed to, they will scream loud enough to be heard in DC, and THEN things could change.

Any state that fails to go along, do not deliver anything to that state until they comply.

We need to play by their rules: comply, or pay a stiff price.
