Thursday, December 20, 2007

The Blue Man

In the news, a man whose skin has turned a lovely shade of blue. Seems he used very large quantities of colloidal silver. Over-dosing on silver can cause the condition known as "argyria". In days of old, wealthy royalty, always eating and drinking from silver utensils, would often develop slight cases of argyria. This slight bluish tint among the wealthy is where the term "blueblood" comes from.

There are only about 4 known cases of argyria over the last century, probably because silver is just too expensive :o)

All joking aside, however, this case is being used by many in the drug industry and the media to try and convince people that "alternative medicine", and colloidal silver in particular, is a bad thing. But that is absolutely, positively not the case.

Let's actually insert a fact here.

FACT: More than 100,000 people die each year from prescribed medicine. But there are no reported cases of deaths from alternative medicines

But here are yet a few facts specific to colloidal silver. Even the experts accept the fact that silver is a very strong anti-bacterial that has none of the adverse effects of other antibiotics. Even the AMA and FDA accept this. It is a simple fact.

This "blue man" simply over-medicated himself, taking large doses, and even applying it topically. Had he used colloidal silver responsibly, he could never have turned blue.

I speak from experience. My family and I have been using colloidal silver for 17 years. None of us are blue, because we use it correctly, and only as needed.

For the first 40 years of my life, I would suffer from serious colds and flu at least 3-4 times each year. I had developed chronic bronchitis by the time I turned 16. So, every "bug" that came along found my body to be a suitable host for tormenting me.

In 1990, a friend told me about colloidal silver. Very skeptical, I spent months researching it. And then I decided to make my own, and use it. But I vowed only to use it when I first felt any "onset" of any illness or uneasiness, and I would stop using it when symptoms disappeared.

That was in 1990. And in the last 17 years, no one in my family has suffered any colds, or any bouts with the flu. None. Zero. Zilch. In fact, no one in my home has been affected by any disease in that 17 years. For a man who was always prone to colds and flu, this was nothing short of a miracle.

After the first two years without any colds, I was sold on silver. There was little doubt of its usefulness. I then started making a salve, a mix of colloidal silver and petroleum jelly. We would use it topically to help prevent infection from wounds.

Colloidal silver, if used properly, works. But people like the "blue man" have taken a good thing and abused it, and the result is now being used as ammunition against alternative medicine. And that is a shame.

You have heard of the "super bugs" that are now appearing, for which there really is no cure. These super bugs were created by the use of drug-type antibiotics. Whenever an antibiotic is used, any bacteria that survives it will become immune, and create a stronger, more virulent strain. So, we produce a stronger antibiotic, which eventually results in even stronger super bugs.

But that does not happen with colloidal silver. Silver does not "attack" bacteria, as drugs do. Instead, it simply "starves" them, so they cannot develop an immunity, and it cannot result in creating any "super bugs." In this respect, silver is a safer and a more responsible choice.

The ONLY reason why colloidal silver is not being used or sold commercially is because the drug companies cannot profit from it. It cannot be patented. Anyone can easily make their own. Drug companies would lose billions of dollars each year if colloidal silver were to hold its rightful place in the medicine chest.

My family swears by colloidal silver, because "the proof is in the pudding". There has been no illness in our home since 1990. And that is the year we began using colloidal silver responsibly.

But one important point: if you decide to use colloidal silver, please note that it will kill ALL the bacteria it encounters. This is important because the human body relies on several good bacteria (flora) in order to maintain good health. As with any antibiotic, the good flora are destroyed along with the bad. For this reason, it is imperative that you help your body replenish the supply of good flora once you have completed your antibiotic or colloidal silver regimen. You can do this either with fermented foods such as yogurt or sauerkraut, or by taking probiotic supplements.

If you do not replace the good flora after using an antibiotic, your body's immune system will not work properly - it will be weakened, and susceptible to other disease.

As long as silver is used properly, and good flora replenished, silver can be a most useful method of destroying bacteria.

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