Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Schools - More Dangerous Than You Think



As I look over all the news stories concerning our public schools over the last few years, it is clearly apparent that schools are dangerous to our children. But perhaps not in the way that you might think.

Certainly, there are situations in which students are killing both students and teachers in our public schools. And while that, of itself, constitutes a clear danger, it is not the real danger that is now inherent in our schools.

The majority of schools and colleges are under the influence of hard-left liberal administrators, teachers and professors. This is not an opinion - it is an established fact. As such, the schools are making a strong attempt to indoctrinate our children into a socialistic mindset - to brainwash them into accepting the phony "truths" of the far left, and to make them believe that this is a "nanny state" in which their freedoms and rights are dictated to them by the "nannies".

At one elementary school, teachers and school administrators have a 10 year old girl hauled off by the police to be charged with a felony, simply because she used a knife to cut her steak at lunch. This paranoia on the part of liberals rubs off on our kids - those kids are being indoctrinated into believing that a "nanny state" is already here, and that they do not really have any freedoms or rights. When they become adults, these kids will be much more apt to waive their rights and freedoms, because it is what they have become used to. They will learn to fear authorities, and to avoid any conflict, rather than stand up for themselves.

At another school, a HISTORY teacher was taped, ranting about how Christianity and conservatives are destroying civilization. While this has nothing to do with history, it has everything to do with the indoctrination of our children into a liberal, secular "nanny state" where civil rights and freedoms will no longer exist.

At our universities, professors are allowed - even encouraged - to further pollute the minds of our children. They teach that America is the cause for all of the world's problems, and that the victims of 9/11 were "Nazis" who deserved what they got.

In Portland, Maine, the school administrators have decided to take away parental rights, and now make contraceptives freely available to any child over the age of 11 without parental consent. And in many other schools, the curriculum includes sex education but prohibits teaching abstinence; teaches evolution as if it were fact instead of theory, while criminalizing the teaching of Creationism, and rarely are our kids being introduced to our Declaration of Independence or even the Constitution. And in a growing number of schools, holding hands or touching anyone is being criminalized, and that is in direct opposition to the tenets of most religions, and encroaches on sanity.

At colleges around the country, students are encouraged to be fascist thugs, preventing any other viewpoint from being expressed - if a conservative (or Christian) speaker is invited to speak, he/she is shouted down, or attacked on-stage. Meanwhile, liberal speakers - even Ahmadinejad - are allowed to speak without interruption.

Frankly, I believe that a good school that does not follow an "agenda" written by the left wing-nuts is far safer for my kids, even if there is a chance of a shoot-out. That's because in a shoot-out, only a few are adversely affected. But in a liberal school, ALL of the students are attacked and harmed.

As Americans, it is time to make a choice - either insist on taking back our schools and outlaw a one-sided teaching agenda, or take our kids out of public schools and into homeschooling, or non-agenda driven private schools, where EDUCATION is the primary objective, rather than INDOCTRINATION.

Personally, I think we should expose every teacher and school administrator to a test of their ability to be fair and impartial, and if they do not pass, they lose their teaching credentials. Our teachers should be like judges and juries - impartial.

Our school administrators and teachers need to stop being so paranoid, petty and agenda-driven. They need to stop acting as if America were a nanny state, and they are the appointed nannies. They are better described as "ninnies". Of all the people in this country, they are the LEAST qualified to instill values in our children. They should EDUCATE. Parents are the ones who should instill values. And if teachers MUST instill values, they should be mainstream values acceptable to the majority of parents.

Wake up, America! Our schools are subtly, but effectively paving the way to a nanny state in which individuals will no longer have any rights except those that the "nannies" are willing to give us. And that will not be an America that any of us recognize, nor want. But it is coming, inexorably, because the general populace just is not interested in fighting it.

Unless you want your children and grandchildren to live in a socialist, fascist state, you had better drop the apathy and get involved. Fight the little, local battles, to insure they do not grow into larger, national mandates. If each of us simply refuses to let the liberals on a local level to push their agenda, they cannot grow to control a national stage.

But if you sit idly by and let minor, local officials dictate that which they have no right to dictate, then you are selling your children's heritage of freedom for 30 pieces of silver. Because once they win on a local level, they gain power and influence to win on a state level, and then a national level. There is much truth in "A stitch in time saves nine." If you do not stop them in your community, they will rule over us all. And I can guarantee you will not be pleased!

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