Friday, December 14, 2007

Airlines vs Humanity

Well, the airlines are going to fight the Air Passenger Bill of Rights that guarantees stranded passengers will have food, water and sanitation.

I am still a bit confused here - I do not see any of the liberals trying to push this Bill of Rights in other states. Yet they are the same people who think feeding Gitmo detainees quiche, giving them wine, and keeping their quarters clean is "torture".

Strange how liberals do not think it is torture to keep a person against his will, deprive him of food and water, and refuse proper sanitation as long as it happens to honest, tax-paying American citizens.

Stranger still that the airlines, which get PAID to treat people badly, somehow think they are the victims here.

Personally, I do not think that a state-by-state Bill of Rights is the answer - each state would pass something different, and the cost to the airlines to comply with 50 different versions would be unfair. But what other choice is there when our do-nothing Democratic Congress refuses to take up the issue on a national basis?

The airline industry is overtaxed and under-prepared for the sheer amount of fliers. What is really needed is more airports at other popular destinations, more planes, more air traffic controllers. If America were to put resources into accomplishing that, regulation would be unnecessary, and passengers would not have to be stranded as often - only for inclement weather, which cannot be helped. But in those cases, the airlines owe it to their passengers to make them comfortable, no matter how inconvenient it may be for the airlines.

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