Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Now Hispanics have taken offense that a ball team wants to use a pig named PorkChop as a mascot. Seems they somehow equate themselves to pigs, though I fail to see it - maybe I have more respect for Hispanics than they have for themselves.

But the bigger point, of course, is the pettiness of some people - the professional "complainers" and "whiners". You know who they are - they are the mindless little zygots who take offense at just about anything, just so they can have something to cry about, and say, "poor little old me." The culture of victimization.

These are the spoiled, narrow-minded little people who simply cannot grow up. And I have yet to find one who is not a liberal.

I would call them children, but that would be an insult to children everywhere. Because even little children know that "sticks and stones can break my bones but words will never hurt me."

These brainless little twerps who take offense at every little word, and every deed, do not even deserve consideration.

"A pig mascot offends me"
"An Indian Chief mascot offends me"
"A Christmas Tree offends me"
"Someone praying in public offends me"
"A cross in public offends me"
"This word or that word offends me"

Frankly, it is the whiners and complainers who offend me. So perhaps they, too, should be outlawed.

There are a lot of things that offend me - complainers, Muslims who refuse to stand against the radicals, liberals who will deceive in order to push an agenda, conservatives who don't act like conservatives, jocks who think they are God's gift, and the women who date them. People who believe that killing is OK if done in the name of some heathen God, or abortion. People who break all the Commandments, and laws of decency, then run to rehab for a few hours and "absolve" themselves from responsibility, claiming they are "cleansed." The ACLU.

But none of that matters, because nowhere in the Constitution - or in life - are any of us granted the right to never be offended. Those people have every right to be offensive. And so do I. And so do ball teams who want a pig as their mascot. Of course, in a civilized world, we would not overtly go out of our way to be offensive - if no offense is meant by having an Indian as a mascot, or by putting up a Christmas tree, no offense should be taken. Those who find offense where none was intended are just trouble-makers, looking for a fight; looking to cause discord and hatred. They are actively trying to divide people, causing rifts and more hatred. And those people are the most offensive of all.

Personally, all this politically correct BS is just that - BS! I would much rather live in a world where honesty prevails. Political correctness is as dishonest as it gets.

So, the next time you hear some little baby whining that this or that offends them, and it needs to stop, just smack the brat and tell him to grow up.

Well, I'm off to set the trap for that filty, disease-ridden rat under my shed - the one I named Mohammad. Because rats offend me.

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