Sunday, December 23, 2007

Ron Paul

Have you noticed that in all the scientific polls conducted by all the professional pollsters, Ron Paul barely makes a showing? He comes in dead last in every poll, in every state. Yet...

This is strange - in non-scientific polls by agenda-driven websites such as AOL, Ron Paul shows to have a huge lead in 46 states - including Iowa, where other polls show he barely exists.

Now, Mr Paul does seem to be able to raise vast amounts of cash on the Internet. But it would be interesting to discover where that money is coming from. Based on the wide discrepancy between the legitimate polls and the "other" polls, here's my guess:

The money - and the votes in those "straw polls" on AOL - are coming from liberals. and Media Matters may very well be behind this effort to sabotage the Republican party and primaries. Why?

If the left-wingers can boost a whacky candidate into the Republican primaries, then the Democrats will have no problem beating him in the general election next fall. The far left would like nothing better than to have their candidate run against Ron Paul - it would be an easy win for the Dems.

And even if they cannot buy the nomination for Mr. Paul, the attempt, alone, could sabotage the Republican party. Imagine what republican voters in NH or SC would think if they see Ron Paul make a real showing in Iowa, for example. That could throw the party into disarray, and cause serious conflicts within the party, dividing it even further.

I'm here to tell you - if I were running the Democrat spin machine, I would be asking all Dems to contribute the max to the Democratic candidate, and ALSO give as much as possible to Ron Paul. I would also have them vote for Paul in all the non-scientific polls, to artificially inflate the numbers and make the Republican party appear to have lost their senses. That would be the surest - and simplest - way to derail the Republican party.

So, how do we know if the liberals are behind this dangerously deceptive tactic? Short of getting the financial records to see where those donations are coming from, all we really have to do is wait a few days and see how Paul fares in the Iowa caucus. If it turns out the scientific polls are correct and Paul does poorly, then you can bet your bippy that the liberals are the ones fueling the Ron Paul train.

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