Wednesday, October 31, 2018

About Those Caravans...

When it comes to the "caravan" heading toward our border, there is a mighty big fact that the liberal media and pundits are either ignoring intentionally, or are just plain ignorant of it. While they claim the people "just want the American Dream", they neglect to ask whether they DESERVE the American Dream.

No, I am not without compassion. It is not about that. Americans fought their English ruler and the greatest military on the planet (at the time) to create this county. They fought for it. Sacrificed for it. Died for it. Worked hard and endlessly to make it what it is. These caravan people, however, are unwilling to do any of that for their own country

Numbering in the tens of thousands in the last year alone (and several million over the years), they COULD have torn down their corrupt governments and created something much like America. But no, they just want to take ours because we have already done the heavy lifting.

I ask this question: if they are unwilling to fight for themselves or their country, and choose, instead, to run away, what makes us think they will fight for the American Dream? What makes anyone think they DESERVE it?

Another question, for clarity - if you bust your butt and sacrifice all your life to build a great home with a pool and all the amenities, would you let a bunch of people come in off the street and just make themselves at home? Setting up little camps in every room? If you say yes, then I would have to call you a liar. They did nothing to build it, they sacrificed nothing, so you darn well know they will not treat it very well. People do not appreciate that which is handed to them on a platter.

Every American would do well to read the little children's Golden Book, the story of "The Little Red Hen". None of the other farm animals wanted to help plant, water and weed the garden, or even harvest the crop, but they ALL wanted to eat the pie the little red hen baked from the crop. But she said, No!", and ate it all by herself, for only she deserved it.

As the old adage goes, "Everyone gets the government they deserve". Those people in the caravan(s) deserve the government they have, because they did nothing to change it. Instead, they are simply choosing to run away.

No, they do not deserve the American Dream unless and until they do everything in their power to make their own country right. And I don't want to hear about how dangerous that would be for them - it was just as dangerous for our Founding Fathers, all of whom were on King George's "hit list". Had they been caught, they would have been hanged.

That is the price paid for the American Dream. When they are willing to pay that same price, then they, too, will deserve it.