Thursday, December 13, 2007

Religion & Politics

It's hard to miss - Republicans make no bones about telling folks that their religion is the basis upon which their lives are built. And Democrats make it a point to tell folks that, while they are "just as religious", they do not believe religion has any place in politics.

I have to laugh at the latter. Last I knew, if religion and faith does not rule every aspect of your life, you are not a "true and good" follower of that religion. Every religion requires that the follower hold God above ALL else, and to keep Him in the midst of every part of your life. If a person removes God from ANY part of his/her life, then that person dishonors Him, offends Him and is not truly religious. He/she is nothing more than a cheap phony. A hypocrite. A pretender.

This is typical of Democrats - they don't really stand for much of anything. They have no central principles with a moral compass. The central principles they DO have are immoral - abortion being Number One.

Alan Colmes, of Hannity & Colmes made the most ignorant statement, yet it is one that most Democrats seem to adhere to. He said that Democrats are just as religious as Republicans, but they just "do not believe it has any place in the public square".

Pardon me, Alan, but if God does not belong in the "public square", where people live, work, play and raise their families, then just where DOES God belong???

Seems to me that any TRUE Christian, understanding that everything belongs to God, would realize God belongs EVERYWHERE, and most especially in the public square.

Now hear this, all liberals, secularists and Democrats: every religion REQUIRES its followers to "go forth and spread the word of God." The most effective place to do that is in the public square, which, by the way is EXACTLY where Jesus did His preaching.

Hypocritical Democrats - they say they "believe in God", and are "just as religious" as Republicans, yet they try to kill religion at every turn, by suffocating it, passing laws that contradict the tenets of religion, and they even admit they do not believe God has any place in certain aspects of life, or in public.

In short, they like the idea of thinking they are religious when, in fact, nothing could be further from the truth. If a person believes they can be religious while not being faithful to God in all aspects of life, that is like believing you can have a good marriage while cheating on your spouse.

I have more respect for atheists than I do for liberal Democrats like Alan Colmes. At least atheists are honest about their beliefs.

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