Friday, December 14, 2007

Huck 'n' Chuck

I was watching O'Reilly this evening, as I often do, and there was a piece with Mike Huckabee and his friend, Chuck Norris. It reminded me of what I had told my wife over a year ago, that Huckabee struck me as a fine man, and a good choice for President, but I did not believe he had a chance.

Why? Because the left-wing, secular media likes to tear apart anything that has to do with being a Christian. And after the last election of Congress, I lost faith in the common sense of the American voting public. I just did not see Huckabee ever getting out of the single digits in the polls.

So count me surprised now that Huck has moved way, way up in all the polls. It's enough to (almost) renew my faith in the American voter. But alas, I still don't think Huck can pull it off, and here's why: there are just too many people who vote that have no clue whatsoever about the people they vote for. They choose this one or that one only because it's a name they know, or because they belong to a certain party, or because their circle of friends are voting for so 'n' so.

I found it to be distressing that, among dozens of people chosen at random walking about New York, only one in ten even recognized pictures of the primary political candidates. And most did not find the names of those candidates familiar - but they all picked out Britney Spears in a line-up. And when asked who they would vote for, most said "Hillary", but when asked why, none could relate even one specific reason that qualified her as a President.

In other words, too many voters choose to be ignorant. They simply do not make any effort to understand the issues, or the repercussions of those issues. Yet, they elect our leaders! And that is very, very scary.

When I look at Hillary, my instinct tells me she cannot be trusted - she blows with the wind. I look at Giuliani, and I see a Democrat in Republican clothing. I see a man who is just a little too slick and glib when I look at Mitt Romney. Obama's lack of experience, and unwillingness to actually take positions on touchy issues makes me nervous. Of all the candidates on either side, the only one I see to just be a good, honest, knowledgeable leader is Mike Huckabee.

He's the only one I trust out of the whole bunch. The only other two Americans I would vote for as President would be Newt Gingrich, because he is a man of solid, well-thought-out ideas and solutions, and Tony Snow, because he is probably the finest, most honorable and non-polarizing person I have ever known.

Whoever America chooses to lead us into this dangerous, new world, I just hope it is people who are up to it, and will move Heaven and Earth to do what is best for AMERICA, rather than what is best for their career, or their party.

Huckabee is that kind of person. But as good as ANY presidential candidate may be, he or she is nearly irrelevant as long as we have the current do-nothing Congress.

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