Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Bigfoot, Yeti and...

For hundreds of years, people have claimed that a hairy, man-like creature roamed the wild mountains. For hundreds of years this myth persisted. And for hundreds of years, skeptics have scoffed at believers, calling them fools, and telling them there is no scientific evidence to prove the claims, so they must be bogus. Just a "boogeyman", to frighten children.

Sound familiar? It should. This sounds exactly like the discussions going on right now, on AOL and many other media, as archaeologists produce "casts of Yeti footprints".

But the first paragraph of this post does not refer to the Yeti. It is an accurate description of the reality of 1846, as people spoke of a mythical, hairy man-like creature roaming the wilds of Africa. Scientists and skeptics called the believers "fools". And in 1847, the plains Gorilla was discovered.

Then the same discussion occurred for 50 years as people claimed a different hairy, man-like creature was roaming the mountains of Africa. Again scientists and skeptics scoffed. And in 1902, the Mountain Gorilla was discovered.

Today, the same discussion is taking place. And while I do not know if there exists a Yeti, or Sasquatch, I do know that the only fools in this discussion are those who refuse to consider the possibility that maybe, just maybe we still have much to learn.

I guess some people, devoid of imagination, just have to have proof of everything. They cannot take anything on faith, or on the word of others. I suppose that is why those same folks, unable to have faith in anything they cannot touch, refuse to believe in a Supreme Being. Strange, however, that those same people will readily accept as fact something that is unproven theory - evolution, or global warming. Contrary to what many of them believe, there still is no concrete evidence that either actually occurs. Yet, with no solid proof, they believe. And then call us fools for believing in God. Which is more foolish - to believe God created everything, or to believe NOTHING created everything?

As for me, if I must believe in something not proven, I would rather believe in God. Why? Because science tells us, if nothing else, that there is always something greater. We are a microcosm on Earth. Earth is a tiny item in the solar system, which is infinitesimal in the milky way, which, in turn is only a microscopic part of the universe.

Yet some people believe that we - tiny little viruses infecting this tiny speck of dust in the universe - are the highest intelligence in the universe. Wow! Especially since our intellect and knowledge is so limited that we can't even say for sure if there is a Yeti. But the "elite" people still refuse to believe there can be a greater intelligence. Now that scares me!

The way I see it, that kind of myopic thinking is not only ignorant, but extremely arrogant, and has no basis in logic. And if science is not logical, then all is lost, because only chaos can endure. And that type of limited thinking only goes to prove my point - we simply aren't smart enough to be the highest intellect in the universe.

As for the Yeti, Sasquatch or Bigfoot, I only hope and pray that if they do exist, we never discover them. The dream is always so much better than the reality, and discovery would diminish us all - and probably cause the extinction of such great creatures.

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