Sunday, November 24, 2019

The Dirty Little Secret of Bloomberg's Health Plan

Another billionaire enters the Democrat race for the Oval Office. Michael Bloomberg has put out an ad concerning his health care plan - and it's just a big con job!

He says that he would provide Medicare-For-All to those who want it, but people who are happy with their current health care insurance can keep it. This is a deceptive way of conning people into thinking they can just keep the status quo if they wish. As such, he does not (appear to) threaten people with "single payer" health care.


Medicare-for-all would, out of necessity, be paid for out of taxes. And those taxes would be assessed on every taxpayer - even those who choose to keep their own insurance. What this means is that those who choose their own insurance will be paying TWICE for health care - they would still have their insurance premiums and deductibles, and would also be paying higher taxes to pay for the medical care of all those who choose Medicare-for-all. The result, of course - and the sneaky reason for Bloomberg's proposal - is  that those of us who choose our own insurance will be forced to drop it because of the excessive cost, resulting in "single-payer", and total government control of our health care. After all, who in their right mind would keep paying for private insurance when they are also paying for Medicare-for-all?

Make no mistake - Michael Bloomberg is nothing more than a socialist tyrant backed with billions of dollars. And when you look at all the things he banned in New York, and all the freedoms New York City residents suffered in his hands, that is nothing compared to what he could and would do as POTUS. DiBlasio and Warren - on steroids!


Saturday, November 23, 2019

Green New Deal - Let's Give 'em What They Want!

I suggest South Bend should implement it, and teach those ignorant protesters to be careful what they wish for.  Bear with me a few moments...

South Bend could develop a plan to temporarily implement the Green New Deal - and all of its consequences - for a trial period of 90 days. During that time, all residents would be subject to penalties and/or heavy fines if they fail to adhere to the new regulations, which could include, but not be limited to:

  • No resident may use air travel. If they do, they would be fined an amount equal to the cost of that airfare
  • Every residence would be restricted in the amount of electricity it can use each day. Once that amount has been reached, the city will shut off their "smart meter" until the next day
  • No resident may use air conditioning, or they will be subject to a substantial fine. And thermostats in cold weather may not be set higher than 68 degrees
  • Gasoline would be rationed on a per vehicle basis,  no unnecessary travel using gasoline powered vehicles.
Prior to enactment, residents would be advised of the consequences, including that smart phones, iPads and other rechargeables may not be recharged as often, and that they might well be in the middle of their Netflix movie when the city shuts off their meter for the day. And that trip to Grandmas house? Forget it, unless she lives across the street.

And they should also be advised that should the regulations not be rescinded by voters in 90 days, that each resident would be liable, through direct tax, to pay an equal share of the cost to retrofit every building in the community, and provide housing for everyone, as stated in the Sanders - Ocasio-Cortes plan.

After being advised of the consequences, residents would then vote on whether or not they will support it. Only residents may vote.

I believe there is no chance in Hades that it would receive very many votes in favor - not even from those protestors, once they know that unfettered use of their gadgets and gizmos would suffer.


Thursday, November 21, 2019

Proof of Biden/Burisma corruption?

The folks on the left - every one of them - are adamantly opposed to looking into the Bidens and their connections and roles in the corruption surrounding Burisma. They say it's because there is "no there there" and it would waste everyone's time. But that begets a very straightforward question: if there is no scandal, why are they so opposed to looking into it so they can show there is nothing there and clear Biden's name?

They can make up any excuses they want, but there is one thing they cannot explain away - whenever an innocent person is accused of something foul, their first and strongest urge is to clear their name. And if a person does not move Heaven and Earth to clear their name, you can bet the farm they are not innocent and have good reason for keeping it under wraps, and wanting everyone to just "forget it."

I try to be a reasonable, logical person. And it defies all reasonableness and logic for the Bidens - with the full support of all the Democrats in Congress and all the mainstream media - to not demand a full investigation to show they are not involved in any scandal. On the contrary - they are preventing any such investigation. Why?

Any sane, reasonable person knows why. There can only be the one reason. And while that does not technically constitute proof of wrongdoing, it is what it is.


Thursday, November 7, 2019

Climate Change - A Scientific Reality Check

It's no secret that a huge portion of the world populations - and many "scientists" - are worried about the effects of climate change. And many, like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are even claiming we will be extinct in 12 years if we do not do something radical.

Recently, thousands of so-called "scientists" (which sciences, I might ask - herpetologists - study of reptiles?) signed a petition to fight climate change, claiming it will destroy life as we know it.

But it is all pure BS and hype, and there is scientific proof.

First, we must understand that the climate is always changing, ever since the Earth was formed. Nothing in nature remains static, and everything is cyclical. So, yes, the climate is changing. But in no way is that detrimental to human life.

Just take a look at this climate chart created by actual CLIMATE scientists from real data:

What you see is that the Earth's normal temperature is normally substantially higher than it is now. It also shows that in periods of greater warmth, civilizations prospered. It also shows that the Earth was in a "mini" ice age from the 13th century through the first half of the 19th century, and we are only now beginning to get back to normal.

It is important to note that these statistics were compiled using scientific methods, studying Earth cores and other climate data from around the world. And the scientists who created this study and chart are actual climatologists, and not scientists from other unrelated fields, like those being used by the climate change fanatics.

Yes, the Earth may be warming, but that is a natural occurrence as we exit an ice age. And no, it will not harm us in any way of consequence. In fact, if history is any indicator (and it usually is), Mankind will actually thrive. If the Earth warms, there is much less need for fossil fuels to warm us. And as glaciers recede, more arable land is made available for growing crops to feed a growing population. And the melting provides more fresh water. And when we are warm and well fed, nations have less need to go to war, to take what they need from others (like mid-East oil).

So, where is the threat that climate change "chicken littles" are crying about? Elitist liberals like Al Gore, John Kerry and Barak Obama, all with multi-million dollar homes on the coast, may very well find themselves treading water IF the claims they are making actually come to fruition. Big financial centers, found mainly near seaports, may have to employ boats instead of Uber to get around, like in Venice, Italy. But it is not climate that is causing the damage, except indirectly - it is the result of human folly, where for centuries we have ignored Mother Nature and have insisted on building our cities so close to potentially rising waters.

Need proof? Every year the major rivers - Mississippi, Missouri etc. - reach flood stages, destroying homes and damaging cities. And yet every year people rebuild those homes and cities. It's a type of insanity, which is often defined as "doing the same things over and over, and expecting a different result."

Yes, the Earth may well be in a warming period. But that is a GOOD thing. It is also something that is natural, so there is no way we can stop it short of doing something drastic to create a cooling period, which would lead to an ice age. And THAT would harm us...


Sunday, November 3, 2019

What Sen. Warren is Not Telling You

Everyone in America (except the completely uninformed) is keenly aware of Senator Elizabeth Warren's many promises and policies. And they also know they will come with extreme costs. And we can also see by her following of millennials who have no clue about socialism that she has convinced many that these "freebie" programs - free health care, free college, free this and that - will be paid for by the richest of the rich. They believe this because she SAYS it, and because they WANT to believe it.

Here is what Warren and most other Democrat candidates are not telling people - either because they know it would destroy their candidacy, or because they are completely ignorant of how economics work, even in a socialist country.

Warren's plan includes over  a dozen new taxes. While many of those are aimed at the rich, some - like the increased payroll tax - affects anyone who works. But here is an ugly truth that is not being explained by Warren, or even by those who oppose her...

EVERY tax, without exception, is paid by the poorest consumers among us. If you doubt this, here is how you can prove it to yourself.

Imagine you are the CEO of Microsoft (or Apple, or any company). Warren slaps you with a tax. What do you do? You have only three choices:

1) You can swallow that extra cost of doing business, in which case you have less capital for creating new products, tooling up, and paying investor dividends. Less hiring, less output, lower market share. If this is your choice, you will soon be looking to brush up your resume as you will not be CEO much longer

2) You can lay people off, reduce benefits or both. This shows weakness in the company, which is soon reflected in the stock market. In this instance, the poorest (your employees) are paying the price, and so is your stock value and investors

3) You can raise the prices of your products/services. This is the only option that allows you to to retain employees and keep share prices up. If you are a good business person who does the job of protecting your investors properly,this is the choice you must make.

Now look at those choices again - each and every one puts the burden of YOUR taxes onto those who buy or use your products/services, and those who are below you on the economic ladder. If you increase the cost of computer equipment, small businesses and anyone else who uses such equipment end up paying your taxes for you. Now those people are faced with the same scenario - pass those increased costs to those below THEM. If that person is a small business, they pass it on to THEIR consumers. If that person is a wage earner, he either suffers those higher prices or seeks a raise, resulting in his employer having to raise prices even more.

All taxes - every one - is paid by consumers (primarily the middle class) and filters down to the bottom, the poorest among us. Unlike those above them, they have no one below them to pass the costs on to.

When Warren - or any politician - claims they will only tax the rich, they are lying to you, and they know it.