Thursday, February 21, 2019

Whites Deserve Reparation for Slavery

The new platform of the Democrats running for president includes the great "reparations" con. For the first 140 years, the vast majority of slaves in America were WHITE. Blacks were not imported until the mid-1700's. These white slaves consisted of:

 * The Redemptioners, Germans whose family members were frequently sold to different masters

* Indentured Servants, promised a better life in the New World - which never

* Poor people of London, Bristol and Liverpool (Men, Women, Children, kidnapped and sent to the colonies under the  Royal policy of "POOR RELIEF". These were the poor and vagrants (Men, Women, Children) of the United Kingdom

* Loose or lewd women (prostitutes) that wealthy, moralist Europeans & the UK wanted gone

* Convicts and criminals. Maryland and Virginia were convicts’ states

* War prisoners, mostly Irish & Scottish-Irish and Scottish ( Monmouth Rebels , Covenanters etc). This was known as the “Irish slave trade” that history books seem to overlook

It was not until there was a shortage of white slaves in the mid-1700's to meet demand that the black slave trade began, and blacks were kidnapped in large numbers from Africa. Blacks were the predominant slaves for just 120 years.

I am white. I want reparation for the slavery of my race...

But there is an even greater issue - if reparations are warranted because of past mistreatment, what about Native Americans? And the Chinese that were imported after we ended slavery, and who were treated as slaves by the railroad builders and mine owners (not to mention digging our canals)? And the Irish were also mistreated, as well as the Japanese in the interment camps.

In fact, there is no group of people in the world who have not at some point been sorely mistreated and abused by other groups. The reason liberals want reparations is simply because of the race to socialism - Saul Alinsky, in his book, "Rules for Radicals" includes this first rule for destroying a government so you can get the people willing to accept the "help" offered by socialism: you must first BANKRUPT the country. That is the reason Democrats are all-in for wasting as much money as possible - giving $150 billion to Iran; mega-millions to solar companies that took the money and went bust. I can list at least 200 examples. And "reparations" are just the newest way to drain the treasury.

Actually, no one deserves reparation for slavery. There is not a black living that experienced slavery in America, nor a white American who ever owned a black slave. More to the point, the black community who are descendants of slaves should be thankful for slavery - if not for the slave trade, they would most likely still be living in a 3rd world county in abject poverty instead of opportunity laden, free America.

Friday, February 15, 2019

The Real Reason Average Tax Refunds Are Smaller In 2019

Certain Democrats, especially among the presidential candidates, are using the IRS report that the average refund is smaller this year to con the uninformed into thinking - and they say this - that Trump's tax cuts are obviously a tax HIKE.

Those Democrats are either uneducated and simply can't add one and one, or they are intentionally trying to deceive the masses who do not understand simple economics.

When taxes are cut, employers deduct less withholding from paychecks. Instead of sending the IRS $100 a week out of your check, they only send $85 a week, because taxes were cut.  And when they SEND less, you get less BACK. The refund is nothing more than the amount you OVERPAID, and is actually proof of the tax cuts. As an extreme example, if taxes were eliminated, your employer would withhold nothing, so you would get nothing back.

But Democrats prefer to use trickery and deceit to con people into believing something that simply is not true. They use this tactic constantly - like, "If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor", and "your health care costs will go down $2500/year".


Friday, February 8, 2019

A Virginian Speaks Out On "Blackface"

Disclosure: I am a Virginian, and a conservative with libertarian leanings in some things. And given my "druthers", I would rather have Republicans running things. That said, I feel the need to take a stand on the political debacle now transpiring in my state. I don't expect everyone to agree with my "take", but I do hope everyone would at least think about it.

As to the "black-face" controversy, I do not believe it should even be a  controversy, except by those who LOOK for controversy and victimization. When I see that picture of two young men dressed as a black dude and a Klansman, and the "black-face" dude is obviously smiling, I do not see racism - I see two people who are MOCKING racism. And when I see a picture of someone wearing blackface to "dress-up" as a rapper, again I see no racism - I see someone who, in his own inept way, is honoring rap
My point here - wearing blackface is not a crime, and more to the point needs to be viewed in context. As I see it, it's like "Taco Night" at the college. The kids dress up in Mexican garb and pig out on Mexican food. Now, there are two ways to view that. If you are a whiner (and this actually happened) who feeds on victimization, you might view it as "appropriating someone else's culture" and get it shut it down. Setting aside for the moment that there is nothing wrong with "appropriating culture", a clear-headed thinking person who doesn't waste time looking for things to complain about would see Taco Night as a CELEBRATION of another culture. America, the "melting pot", has ALWAYS "appropriated" worthwhile pieces of other cultures - tacos, pizza, even some of their words, like "Adios", or "sayanara". That is how we come together as one. And that's a GOOD thing.

So, as to those who have worn blackface, I say, "So what". Who has not done questionable things in their past? I know I have done my share. It does not by any stretch of the imagination make a person racist. But if you are the type who believes in finding racism wherever you can, then maybe you should take a chill pill and think about how millions of white people spend mega-hours each year trying to get a great tan. Is THAT racist, too? I say to people who look for trouble that they will find it, and I hope it bites them in the butt!

As for the other guy, who has had two women allege sexual assault, make no mistake - if true, he should be in prison. Which begs the question - the statute of limitations is not up, so exactly WHY are they not bringing criminal charges? Frankly, I believe he did it. But what anyone "believes" actually has nothing to do with anything. People can be wrong. And that is why the Constitution requires due process, and a presumption of innocence until proven guilty. Oust him if you wish - but only after the evidence is in and proves him guilty. In America, we don't punish people until we know they are guilty. So, prove him guilty, or leave him be.

And as for impeaching the Lt Governor, though I would like to see that, forget it. Under the Virginia  Constitution (which the delegate trying to impeach him should have at least read), impeachment can only be for crimes committed while in office. These crimes, if they occurred at all, happened long before he was in office.

That brings me to the one, serious issue I DO have that I believe should cost the governor his job - his readiness to allow infanticide, and support it. Under all current laws, that is murder. Anyone who supports the murder of ANY individual is a person I do not want governing my state. And in this case, the proof is already in sight - he stated on camera that even AFTER birth, a mother and her doctor can decide if they want to kill the newborn or let it live. Once a baby leaves the womb, it is a citizen, endowed with and protected by the rights under the constitution.

Northam needs to go because of that, alone. Blackface means nothing to sane people who are not looking for some way to hurt other people.

And that's my take, for what it's worth.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Afghanistan - Why We Must Withdraw

Over the last two centuries powerful nations have tried to civilize and rule Afghanistan, to bring it under control.

In the 1830's it was the powerful British Empire, in their quest to protect their interests in India. This resulted in the First Anglo-Afghan War which then resulted in the British being driven out and the British Army massacred, leaving but one survivor.

The Second Anglo-Afghan debacle began in 1878 when the British again invaded Afghanistan. By 1880, they were again driven out in shame.

In 1919 the British once again declared war on Afghanistan in what is known as the Third Anglo-Afghan War. And three months later they again lost.

In 1979 the Soviets (Russians) invaded Afghanistan, joining in the Afghan War (1978-1992). They remained until 1989. After suffering unheard of losses in blood and treasure, and with 15,000 dead in the quagmire, the Russians withdrew from the tiny country that has been the nemisis of powerful natiuons since time immemorial. This was Russia's Viet-Nam.

And now America, in 2001, invaded Afghanistan. Eighteen years later we are still losing blood and treasure, having made little real difference - the Afghans are still tribal, uncivilized and with a deep hatred of what civilized nations hold dear - democracy.

It would not be far-fetched to call our efforts in Afghanistan America's Second Viet-Nam.

And through it all, the powerful nations have learned nothing. You may get a wild lion to capitulate to the whip in a circus, but he will still kill and eat you if he gets the chance. That can never change.
And now, under Trump, we are withdrawing most of our troops, leaving only enough to hopefully prevent the resurgence of those who want to do harm to us in our homeland.

And to the thinking mind, the Washington Post's assertion that Trump's policy to withdraw is somehow "bizarre" and wrong is simply dumb. Unlike the reporters at the Post, living in luxury in the states and not in fear of being maimed or killed for naught, Trump learns from history. He understands that no matter how many lives are lost, and now matter how many trillions it costs, there is no taming Afghanistan. Hence, we should not be investing so unwisely.
