Sunday, March 3, 2019


We're hearing a lot from the (uninformed) left about "Democratic Socialism", but none of them seem able (or willing) to tell us what, exactly, that is.

Let's start with a simple fact - socialism and democracy are diametrically opposed. In a democracy, the people have the power and they rule themselves. In socialism, the government has the power and rules the people. That is the very basis of both. With that in mind, we must therefore assume that "democratic socialism" must be a little of both - the people rule in some things, and the government rules in others.

But here are the problems with that...

1) Those on the left are stating clearly that they want the government to rule in all the IMPORTANT facets of our life, such as our health care, and the people get to rule in things that have little or no importance at all - pretty much nothing. And that is because of...

2) The slippery slope. By taking over health care, the government now has the right to "protect our health interests", which means they can tell us what we can and cannot eat, and what lifestyle choices we must adhere to (or abandon), all in the name of keeping health care costs down. Remember DiBlasio's law against the "Big Gulp" soda?

And it gets worse. The playbook for radical liberals is Saul Alinski's "Rules for Radicals". It presumes a "long game", and follows the rule of the "Overton Window". In simple terms, the Overton Window is a method of incrementally moving the goal post until you get to what you want. For example, radicals want all drugs to be legalized. They know they cannot get a majority to support that, so they begin by getting the public to accept that there are medicinal benefits to weed, and marijuana  should be allow for medicinal purposes. It was a slog, but they managed to slowly get majority support. Then they moved on to "recreational use". Since weed has already been put into the mainstream of medicine, they are now getting majority support for recreational use. as people are getting tired of fighting it. As more and more people grow accustomed to the use of weed in our society, it becomes easier to make it legal. And now they are working to make cocaine legal...

They did the same with abortion. It was supposed to be "rare", and only in the first trimester. Once that became a societal norm, they pushed it through the second trimester. And then the third. And now, as was promoted by the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, some states are now trying to "legalize" infanticide, by allowing babies already born to be murdered. What's next - killing off those who cannot contribute to society? The elderly mom and dad? The disabled?

That is the Overton Window in action. And they are using it for all sorts of things - health care goes from "if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor" to "Medicare for all", with no choices of any kind. And gun control - they want to ban and confiscate all guns, so they begin with a minor change like Universal background checks, which ALL experts say cannot be enforced unless we have gun REGISRATION - so guess what comes next? And what comes after that?

And then there's "sanctuary cities", the purpose of which was supposed to only protect illegals from being victimized by not detaining them if they filed complaints as victims. Now look at them!

To get back to the point, once socialism gets a foothold in America by way of "socialism lite" (Democratic Socialism), the slippery slope will require we slide  into true socialism. I say "require" because if we have medicare for all, for example, the costs would then need to be contained. To do that, the government MUST start choosing our foods for us, and dictate our lifestyles. There would be no choice. Socialism is like a cancer on society - it grows! The Overton Window wins the game for the radicals among us. And America is no more.

Democratic Socialism, an oxymoron in its own right, cannot exist. As Jesus so clearly pointed out, "No man can serve two masters". And the radicals fully understand that, and know full well that "socialism light" is nothing less than a foot in the door - or  shall I say, a foot in the Overton Window.

Each of us, today, has a choice. If  your choice is to protect America from the dangers of socialism, take a moment to share this post everywhere you can. It is time to do something besides complain.


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