Thursday, February 21, 2019

Whites Deserve Reparation for Slavery

The new platform of the Democrats running for president includes the great "reparations" con. For the first 140 years, the vast majority of slaves in America were WHITE. Blacks were not imported until the mid-1700's. These white slaves consisted of:

 * The Redemptioners, Germans whose family members were frequently sold to different masters

* Indentured Servants, promised a better life in the New World - which never

* Poor people of London, Bristol and Liverpool (Men, Women, Children, kidnapped and sent to the colonies under the  Royal policy of "POOR RELIEF". These were the poor and vagrants (Men, Women, Children) of the United Kingdom

* Loose or lewd women (prostitutes) that wealthy, moralist Europeans & the UK wanted gone

* Convicts and criminals. Maryland and Virginia were convicts’ states

* War prisoners, mostly Irish & Scottish-Irish and Scottish ( Monmouth Rebels , Covenanters etc). This was known as the “Irish slave trade” that history books seem to overlook

It was not until there was a shortage of white slaves in the mid-1700's to meet demand that the black slave trade began, and blacks were kidnapped in large numbers from Africa. Blacks were the predominant slaves for just 120 years.

I am white. I want reparation for the slavery of my race...

But there is an even greater issue - if reparations are warranted because of past mistreatment, what about Native Americans? And the Chinese that were imported after we ended slavery, and who were treated as slaves by the railroad builders and mine owners (not to mention digging our canals)? And the Irish were also mistreated, as well as the Japanese in the interment camps.

In fact, there is no group of people in the world who have not at some point been sorely mistreated and abused by other groups. The reason liberals want reparations is simply because of the race to socialism - Saul Alinsky, in his book, "Rules for Radicals" includes this first rule for destroying a government so you can get the people willing to accept the "help" offered by socialism: you must first BANKRUPT the country. That is the reason Democrats are all-in for wasting as much money as possible - giving $150 billion to Iran; mega-millions to solar companies that took the money and went bust. I can list at least 200 examples. And "reparations" are just the newest way to drain the treasury.

Actually, no one deserves reparation for slavery. There is not a black living that experienced slavery in America, nor a white American who ever owned a black slave. More to the point, the black community who are descendants of slaves should be thankful for slavery - if not for the slave trade, they would most likely still be living in a 3rd world county in abject poverty instead of opportunity laden, free America.

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