Monday, March 25, 2019

What Democrats Are Overlooking (Mueller Report)

Robert Mueller was treated by Democrats like an infallible God during his investigation of Trump, with phrases like, "Just wait until the Mueller Report comes in - then we'll have Trump indicted." They were so sure not only because Mueller has a reputation for being the best prosecutor, with great integrity, but also because his team was made up of partisan, anti-trump people, including from the Clinton Team, and they had an unlimited budget and power. They had two years, issued thousands of subpoenas and interviewed several hundred people. Yessir, if  there was any inkling of a crime, they would certainly dig it up.

And for two years we saw exactly that happening. And in spite of all the effort, cost and time, the Special Counsel found exactly - NOTHING! If that team of anti-trumpers could not turn up anything, any sane, rational person would have to say, "Well, I guess there is nothing there" and move on with the People's business.

But not the Democrats in Congress or those running in 2020. All of a sudden they have escaped the asylum and  are now saying  the Mueller Report is bogus, biased in favor of Trump. Really? And now, rather than finally getting back to doing the people's business, they are intent on re-investigating in search of the crimes that the Mueller team was unable to turn up.

Instead of legislating, they are wasting America's time and resources on more bogus investigations to find what just is not there.

Any qualified shrink would say that is derangement. I don't know about you, but I am horrified that America is being represented by deranged people, so intent on damaging the President that they will alienate everyone but their far-left, radical base, and throw away any chance at keeping the power they crave.

America is a great country. Trump has made huge advances, economically and in foreign policy. He is pushing the country forward in spite of the Democrats and corrupt media trying to pull him down. It's time to tell our representatives and senators if they want to take Trump down, do it at the ballot box in two years, but until then to SUPPORT the man who is actually doing the job that needs to be done, instead of trying to be an anchor preventing it.


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