Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Why The Electoral College Is Necessary

It seems that every Democrat running for President, all of whom are trying to change the voting rules  so they can win more elections, are in favor of eliminating the Electoral College. And, indeed, that would insure that Democrats never leave office.

The Founding Fathers understood that the election of the presidency must be fair to all. They understood that if the popular vote were used, the large metropolitan centers like New York and Los Angeles would always determine the presidential elections, because they have so many more people. The Founders knew instinctively that it would be wrong for small geographic areas to determine the policies for all of America because 20 percent of America would rule the entire country.

Seen in a more practical way, consider states like Iowa or Wyoming. Since they have relatively small populations, do you really think any politician would even bother to campaign there if the Electoral College was eliminated? And by extension, would their votes even matter? Of course not.

The Founders also understood something else that is lost on many people - people in the cities have much different priorities than those in rural areas. Cities are where the money is, and they have all the amenities at their feet. There are more jobs. They are far removed from the needs of those who still have to struggle on their own, without those amenities, and without all the power of cities like New York. Hence, city people tend to be more liberal. It is simply a case of Maslov's Hierarchy of Needs - the most basic needs are survival, while the highest levels are more social oriented.

What this means - and intelligent people understand, is that without the Electoral College, the 80% of the people who do not live in cities would just be forgotten, as their votes would be meaningless. The large populations of liberal bastions would always rule.

And that is precisely why Democrats want to upset the apple cart and do away with "the little people" having any representation. You know, the ones they call the "fly over states", who cling to their Bibles and guns.

The Electoral College provides small, less populated states with fair and equal representation. And that is why politicians have to campaign in every state like New Hampshire and Iowa, and not just New York and California.

And now the Democrats are getting worse - states like Colorado and Washington plan on giving all their electoral votes to whoever wins the popular vote NATIONALLY. In other words, the popular votes in those states will not matter, and would not count. For example, if every single person in that state votes for a Republican, but the NATIONAL popular vote goes for the Democrat, that Republican state would  award all their electoral votes to the Democrat, effectively throwing out every vote in their state. And to think people like Senator Warren and Bozo O'Rourke say they want every vote to count. No - they only want DEMOCRAT votes to  count.

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