Sunday, March 10, 2019

Constitutional Rights Are Not What You Think

Everywhere we go these days, whatever media we turn to, the conversation almost always comes back to this-or-that "Constitutional Right". And it never ceases to amaze at just how it is that so many people can be so ignorant about the very basis of American society. It seems they believe that our God-given rights, though given by God and protected by government, are somehow without limitations. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Every right comes with the responsibility to not ABUSE the right. The Founders who crafted, then signed the Bill of Rights did so with the presumption that people would, by nature, assume responsibility for them. They did not believe it necessary to point that out. But much has changed, and in this day and age a lot people aren't inclined to accept responsibility for very much (consider abortion as an example).

We have the right of free speech, yet we cannot yell "FIRE" in a crowded theater (unless it really is on fire), nor can we libel, slander and defame with impunity. But Congress and liberal courts have made it harder to shut down those who will tell any lie in order to fulfill an agenda. Case in point: the so-called "Russian dossier". And while freedom of the press is designed to help the people keep those in power under some control by reporting the facts and truth, much of today's media no longer cares about facts or truth - all they care about is getting the "clicks", and pushing their own agenda even if it means creating "fake news", or giving only one side of a story. The press is supposed to be objective and unbiased. It's not even close to that.

Freedom of Religion has become a sad joke on Christians and Jews, the only sects that keep taking hits from the hard left, and even from our government. Even in Congress we now have anti-Semites and anti-Christians.

The right to assemble, i.e. protest is important, but it is being terribly abused by many on the left who use that as cover - a guise for their rioting and damaging of property. We have a responsibility to protest in a civil, peaceful manner. But that is not what we are seeing from those on the far left or far right.

We have the right to own and bear arms. But with that right comes the responsibility to use them safely, and only as necessary, to either hunt for food, defend life and property, or for other sporting events that include shooting. We do NOT have the right to use guns to murder others, or to rob banks.

Yes, we have rights. But they are not unlimited in scope. Nor can the government infringe on them, legally, though they keep trying because so many people insist on abusing them. And in cases such as the rioting and violence of Antifa or Black Lives Matter, the media turns them into heroes.

We, The People need to begin recognizing and accepting the responsibility that comes with our God-given rights. If we fail to do so, we will lose them!


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