Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Afghanistan - Why We Must Withdraw

Over the last two centuries powerful nations have tried to civilize and rule Afghanistan, to bring it under control.

In the 1830's it was the powerful British Empire, in their quest to protect their interests in India. This resulted in the First Anglo-Afghan War which then resulted in the British being driven out and the British Army massacred, leaving but one survivor.

The Second Anglo-Afghan debacle began in 1878 when the British again invaded Afghanistan. By 1880, they were again driven out in shame.

In 1919 the British once again declared war on Afghanistan in what is known as the Third Anglo-Afghan War. And three months later they again lost.

In 1979 the Soviets (Russians) invaded Afghanistan, joining in the Afghan War (1978-1992). They remained until 1989. After suffering unheard of losses in blood and treasure, and with 15,000 dead in the quagmire, the Russians withdrew from the tiny country that has been the nemisis of powerful natiuons since time immemorial. This was Russia's Viet-Nam.

And now America, in 2001, invaded Afghanistan. Eighteen years later we are still losing blood and treasure, having made little real difference - the Afghans are still tribal, uncivilized and with a deep hatred of what civilized nations hold dear - democracy.

It would not be far-fetched to call our efforts in Afghanistan America's Second Viet-Nam.

And through it all, the powerful nations have learned nothing. You may get a wild lion to capitulate to the whip in a circus, but he will still kill and eat you if he gets the chance. That can never change.
And now, under Trump, we are withdrawing most of our troops, leaving only enough to hopefully prevent the resurgence of those who want to do harm to us in our homeland.

And to the thinking mind, the Washington Post's assertion that Trump's policy to withdraw is somehow "bizarre" and wrong is simply dumb. Unlike the reporters at the Post, living in luxury in the states and not in fear of being maimed or killed for naught, Trump learns from history. He understands that no matter how many lives are lost, and now matter how many trillions it costs, there is no taming Afghanistan. Hence, we should not be investing so unwisely.


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