Friday, February 15, 2019

The Real Reason Average Tax Refunds Are Smaller In 2019

Certain Democrats, especially among the presidential candidates, are using the IRS report that the average refund is smaller this year to con the uninformed into thinking - and they say this - that Trump's tax cuts are obviously a tax HIKE.

Those Democrats are either uneducated and simply can't add one and one, or they are intentionally trying to deceive the masses who do not understand simple economics.

When taxes are cut, employers deduct less withholding from paychecks. Instead of sending the IRS $100 a week out of your check, they only send $85 a week, because taxes were cut.  And when they SEND less, you get less BACK. The refund is nothing more than the amount you OVERPAID, and is actually proof of the tax cuts. As an extreme example, if taxes were eliminated, your employer would withhold nothing, so you would get nothing back.

But Democrats prefer to use trickery and deceit to con people into believing something that simply is not true. They use this tactic constantly - like, "If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor", and "your health care costs will go down $2500/year".


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