Saturday, January 12, 2008

Global Warming???

Well, I have done even more research concerning Al Gore's bogus assertions concerning global warming - while I do not necessarily doubt that the climate changes, I seriously doubt that Al Gore knows what he is talking about.

So, for those of you who are not yet ready to follow Chicken Little in his belief that the sky is falling - at least, not without more evidence - here are a few facts that have surfaced, that Al Gore has "conveniently" left out of his "Inconvenient Truth":

1) According to NASA, the five warmest years ever recorded on Earth all occurred before World War II (before 1940)

2) The hottest temperatures ever recorded on the face of the Earth were between 1913 and 1922. The temperature reached 134 degrees in California in 1913, in 1917 it reached 120 degrees for 43 consecutive days, and in 1922, in Libya, the temperature reached the current record high of 136 degrees. Of course, the industrial revolution had hardly started, and Man's "carbon footprint" was minimal. Until we begin seeing such temps again, I am not going to be too quick to worry about global warming.

3) The COLDEST temperature ever recorded on planet Earth occured in 1983, reaching -129 degrees in Antarctica

4) The most snowfall ever to fall on Earth occurred in the winter of 1998-1999, in the state of Washington - a whopping 95 feet on Mount Baker!

5) The polar ice cap at the South Pole is getting thicker each year

6) The average mean temperature on Earth was warmer - for DECADES - in the 1300's than it is now - perhaps Al Gore can blame that on all the cows and sheep passing gas.

7) While there are no SUV's on Neptune or the other planets, astronomers tell us that the average temperature at Neptune's South Pole has risen an average of 18 degrees over the last 40 years, with similar increases on at least three other planets. This would seem to indicate a NATURAL, cyclical occurrence, rather than anything caused by Mankind. In short, it appears that the Sun may be running a little hot lately - as it has, periodically, ever since the solar system began. The heat of the Sun does not remain constant.

8) While there may (or may not) be more "scientists" who agree about global warming, the majority of scientists in the field of climatology and weather tend to disagree - and THEY are the experts.

9) Many of the scientists who originally believed in global warming have since changed their position, now that more facts have come to light. Changing one's position when new facts arise is a sign of intelligence. Unfortunately, most of the sheep who blindly follow Al Gore, the Chicken Little of the modern age, are not that intelligent - they refuse to allow facts to change their beliefs.

Frankly, I feel quite secure in making the following statements:

1) The Earth may be warming, but it is not caused by Man, nor can Man stop it

2) The warming is cyclical, natural and temporary

3) Al Gore has no clue - he is pushing the Global Warming farce for political and financial gain

4) The people who mindlessly follow the global warming scam, without ever being intelligent enough to actually research the facts for themselves, deserve to be fleeced, as do all sheep

5) Whenever any spinster makes a disingenuous statement such as "most scientists agree", understand what they are NOT saying - they are not saying "experts in the field of climatology". Many of those "scientists" they are quoting are NOT experts in climate - a herpetologist (who studies snakes), is a "scientist" that may agree there is global warming. But what does a snake-charmer know? So, always ask for clarification - don't buy "facts" that have no real bearing on the issue at hand.

6) Throughout history, "everyone" has been wrong more often than they have been right. Just because "everyone" believes we are responsible for global warming does not make it so. To offer examples:

a) "Everyone" once thought the world was flat

b) "Everyone" once thought the Sun revolved around the Earth

c) "Everyone" once believed there were witches

d) "Everyone" once thought "bleeding" a person would heal him

e) "Everyone" once thought Man would never fly

f) "Everyone" once thought Man would never walk on the moon

g) "Everyone" once believed in the Sun God

i) Until last year, "Everyone" believed Pluto was a planet (it has since been proven to not be a planet)

j) Until 1853, "everyone" thought the gorilla was a myth

k) Until 1963, "everyone" believed the coelocanth had been extinct for millions of years - until a fisherman caught one

l) Until the Japanese caught one on film last year, "everyone" thought the "giant squid" was science fiction

m) And, in the 1970's - just 30 years ago - the same scientists who are now crying "global warming" were claiming that we were entering a new "Ice Age". Even Newsweek printed stories on it. And "everyone" believed it.

Just because "everyone" believes something, that does not make it so. In fact, history indicates that if "everyone" believes something, there is a 63% chance that it is NOT true, because "everyone" has been wrong 63% of the time.

All I am saying is that a WISE person will, at the very least, keep an open mind, and not simply believe something just because "everyone else" says so.

But the real question remains: if global warming is not what Gore, scientists and the UN say it is, why are they saying it?

The reasons are far more sinister than global warming - and more dangerous. While scientists push it for money, because they make their living from research grants (which are NOT given unless the scientists make a strong case for their research), Al Gore and the UN push if for a very dark reason - globalization, which the liberals and the UN have been pushing for decades.

By coming up with a "global" problem of massive proportions, they can literally force people to give up their rights, their freedoms and their sovereignty, all for the "global good". The UN can impose their will on free people, and reduce us to "subjects of the Earth" rather than citizens of our free nation.

The UN is made up of nations which, by themselves, have no power. They are small, and America poses a threat to them by virtue of our strength. They have on goal - to minimalize America. Reduce its strength and power. And the best way to do that is by using fear of a pending "global" disaster.

Al Gore never made any secret of his yearning for a One World nation. But in order to create it, America must give up its Constitution, its freedoms, and its sovereignty. There would be no "America". There would only be the New World Order, spoken so highly of by the likes of Bill and Hillary Clinton, the Rockefellers, Kennedys and other liberal elitists who hate everything America stands for (Bill Clinton tried very hard to decimate our intelligence agencies and military, and even wrote that he hated the military). To this date, liberal Democrats are trying to minimalize our military.

Global Warming: it is more than just a farce. It is a sinister part of a larger plan to minimalize America and decimate its strength. As far as I am concerned, those who promote golbal warming are traitors, and those who follow them are mindless zygots.

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