Friday, January 18, 2008

Confederate Flag Debate

This is really an absurdity!

Why does anyone debate whether or not the Confederate Flag should fly?

Sure, I understand that it represents a reprehensible part of our history. But that is exactly the point.

We need to be reminded of the bad part of our history every bit as much as the good part. Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Since no one alive today was present during the Civil War, we NEED reminders.

Those who object to the flag are myopic, bigoted, narrow-minded people who strive to cause a rift where none exists. They are divisionists.

The Confederate Flag represents a tough period in our history. But it is only a piece of cloth, and it is a necessary reminder, lest we forget what so many Americans died for. It is not just a symbol of the Confederacy. It is a symbol of how far our country went to abolish slavery. Had there been no Civil War, we might still have slavery today.

When I see the Stars and Bars, I see something that points out that there will always be differences among people, and in most cases, good wins out over evil. When I see that flag, I see an America that fought to abolish the slavery it stood for. It reminds me that the battle between good and evil is never over.

Sure, we could outlaw all symbols of "bad" history - the Confederate flag, the swastika etc., but if we were to do that, new generations would have no knowledge of the evil, and we would be doomed to make the same mistakes all over again.

Those narrow-minded divisionists need to get a life! They need to understand that the flag is not the problem - THEY are the problem! What we do NOT need are those who would purposely divide people, the same way that the Confederate flag once divided people.

The flag is harmless. But the people who make it an issue are not - they are dangerous!

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