Monday, January 14, 2008

The "Green" Farce


So, the "greenies" want all of us to drive electric cars, apparently unaware that the majority of electricity comes from burning fossil fuels, which LOSES energy in the conversion to electricity. Go figure. But their "green" plan gets worse.

They also want to mandate that we all use ONLY the CFL lights - fluorescents. They tell us that they are "better" for the environment. So, being the person I am, I always have to ask "What are they NOT telling us?"

Well, they don't tell us that fluorescent lights require mercury - a very toxic substance. And when asked about this, they say, "It's minimal." But not so minimal that the government requires they be disposed of as hazardous waste, and not simply tossed out. 

OK, so let's assume there is a "minimal" amount of toxic mercury in a fluorescent bulb. My next question is, "How minimal is it?" when, by mandate, hundreds of millions of these fluorescents will soon be in use. Multiply even a "minimal" amount by hundreds of millions and I somehow do not think it is minimal anymore. So, upon disposing of them, how "minimal" will be the environmental impact of all that mercury. And that is only the first set of questions. What about these facts: 

1) Each CFL bulb uses about 10 times as much glass as an incandescent bulb, and making glass requires substantial fuel use. Multiply all that extra glass - and the cost to produce it, and the pollution created to produce it - by hundreds of millions of bulbs. Do you REALLY believe the environmental impact is still minimal? 

2) If these hundreds of millions of bulbs will have to be disposed of as toxic waste, what is the cost of such disposal? Very few communities have accommodations for disposing of hazardous waste. So, you must either travel a considerable distance each time you blow a bulb (and use a lot of gas and oil) to dispose of them, or pay someone $15 plus shipping to dispose of them for you. 

All in all, perhaps it is time for someone who is not pushing a liberal agenda to figure out EXACTLY what is the environmental impact of hundreds of millions of these bulbs, compared to incandescent bulbs - adding up the additional production costs, additional disposal costs, and the huge amount of mercury that must be dealt with - and the cost incurred in doing so. And all for a bulb that produces a very inferior kind of lighting. 

Reminds me of the "ethanol" farce, where is costs 1.7 times as much to produce ethanol as petrol, and uses even more fossil fuels in the production of ethanol than if the fossil fuels, themselves, were used. And all so we can now pay $5 per gallon for milk, and a lot more for beef, chicken, eggs, cheeses, pizza, ice cream and anything else that relies on dairy (which relies on the corn, now made so expensive because it is being used to make the stupid ethanol). Just another mindless scheme by liberals who simply cannot see past their noses. It doesn't matter to them if it does not make sense. Does not matter to them if it is counter-productive, or even if it does not do what it is supposed to do. All they care about is that it's DIFFERENT, and they WANT it that way. Liberals want change for the sake of change, and not for the sake of improving anything. 

Of course, money helps! Liberals make a lot of money selling bogus carbon offsets, toxic light bulb disposal services etc. 

Suggestion: before buying into any liberal hype, take a moment to think things through. Ask what they are NOT telling you. Figure out what the end result will be, down the road. Whether it's CFL's, ethanol, global warming or health care - ASK MORE QUESTIONS! Sure, health care for everyone SOUNDS good. But think about it - just exactly WHERE do you think the government will get all the money that such a massively expensive plan will cost? Remember, the government has only ONE source of income - TAXES. And WE pay those taxes. So, the health care is not free, nor inexpensive, since by involving the government, the administration costs will be huge. So, instead of paying $1.00 for a dollar's worth of health care, we will now pay $2.00 for that dollar's worth of health care. Dumb! 

There are better ways, cheaper ways, more effective ways of dealing with problems. Involving the government in ANY of them is just asking to be ripped off, cheated, short-changed and dependent. But that is the liberal, Democrat way - pay all your money to the government, and they will take care of you, cradle to grave. Of course, that means giving up your independence, which means you no longer are a free people. Instead of being "Of the People, By the People, For the People", it would be "Of the Government, By the Government, For the Government", making all of us nothing more than subjects, rather than citizens. 

So, enjoy your wasteful ethanol. Enjoy the higher prices. Enjoy the higher taxes. Enjoy all the mercury. Enjoy the bastardized health care. And remember fondly of the days when being an American meant you were free, independent, and in charge. Because those days will be gone forever.


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