Thursday, November 12, 2020

Securing Our Elections - A Plan



 Securing elections:

1) Every legal citizen may register FREE at any DMV or other facility set up for that purpose. Upon presenting proof of citizenship & residency, a credit-card style card with a chip would be mailed to them, just as if it were a secure credit card. The cardholder would choose a PIN number, and the card - just like a credit card - would have a CVV number on its reverse.

2) At the polls, individual would insert card in the machine to be read, type in their pin number, then the CVV number. Only then would the machine accept the persons' PAPER ballot to be recorded and saved. The machine will not allow more than one ballot per card per election period

3) Those UNABLE to arrange going to DMV may, with proof of inability to go to DMV may schedule to have an appointed, certified local LEO come to them, check birth cert/naturalization papers & proof of residency & obtain copies, upon which the LEO would apply on their behalf. Card would be mailed to applicant postage paid.

4) Those who were unable to get to the polls in person may request a certified poll watcher or worker from THEIR PARTY to pick up their ballot & their card and cast it for them. Card would be returned to the voter after the election.


All machines nationwide would be standardized to accept only ballots of a certain size, weight & watermark. The information and set-up for the ballot can be determined by each state to suit specific needs.

Voting machines must not be capable of being connected to the internet and software source code must be checked by several approved coders and certified as secure and safe

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