Saturday, December 12, 2020

How To Save Our Republic

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America is on the brink of self-destruction, as global elites and liberals seek to usher in their New World Order. No, that is not a conspiracy theory - it is fact. If you doubt that, research the United Nations edicts of Agenda 21, Agenda 30 and Vision 50.  This is as real as it gets, folks!

The question: will we allow it to happen, or will we fight back?

Frankly, I see little reason to hope that enough of us will choose to fight. Many are not informed. Many more are either too willing to let others do the work, or they are simply cowards, having consumed way too much soy that is in most foods - even baby formula - today. Soy is estogen, and it makes us weak.

If we are, however, willing to fight for our liberty, our Republic, there are certain things we can do to right this ship. The rest of this post describes what steps we can and must take.


First and foremost, we need forensic audits especially in the states that had huge ballot dumps in the wee hours of the morning of November 4th. If even ONE state de-certifies and flips to Trump, that is the key. While a few Electoral College votes will not change the results, what it WILL do is throw the entire election into question. And that, my friend, will make it necessary to audit every state, as the election itself cannot be legally certified until ALL states are certified. If one state de-certifies, NO ONE IS PRESIDENT! So, what then?

Under the Constitution and the law, the military would take the reigns UNTIL such time as the remaining states hold audits. But they need not all flip - if enough states flip to return 38 Electoral College votes to Trump, Trump wins. And because he never conceded, he can retake the office of President once those Electoral Votes are certified by Congress, and he transitions and is re-inuagurated.

That is the most likely chance of putting the rightful person in  the Oval Office. But that is only the beginning. We must then fix what got us here...

STEP #1:
First and foremost, together we have enough power to get more true conservatives elected to office - local, state & federal. We can break the back of the establishment, using the power of our numbers, and perhaps our own party, if necessary. A party founded specifically on the Constitution and principles of liberty, that government serves the people, not vice versa. A government whose power is derived from the people, and not used against them. Put up great candidates. Support them. Stump for them. Get out the vote.

 STEP #2:  We need to retake the legacy mainstream media. We do this by buying them up - or breaking them by taking away their advertising revenue. We can support very wealthy conservative billionaires in an effort to buy those outlets or, failing that, set up a corporation and a fund that conservatives can contribute to for that purpose, and choose conservatives to run them. We can even act TOGETHER to boycott ALL the advertisers of the media, reducing their stock price enough so we can buy more stock. We can BREAK them. But the key ingredient is that we work TOGETHER, and with purpose.

We can do the same with "social media". We have the power to strip them of their following to a great extent by forming or using new platforms, as was done with Parler and Rumble. Working TOGETHER conservatives can weaken the hold that the media has on the narrative that the world hears. This is absolutely crucial!

STEP #3: Take over education. Get VERY active in the local school boards. Vet the teachers that are hired. Monitor classes, textbooks, subjects. Make sure the children will be educated without being indoctrinated. Get rid of bad teachers. But that is not enough - those teachers graduate from colleges and universities that are run by liberal professors and staff, and the teachers have likely been compromised. Therefore, we must also take back the institutes of higher learning. We can REFUSE to allow our kids to attend liberal institutions. We can stop giving them our money. We can support institutions that are not liberal. We can encourage "future teachers" - perhaps with a scholarship fund - to attend non-liberal institutions and insist our school boards hire them over others. NOTE: Scholarships are how global elites help to manage a students' education, and get their hooks in them

We can pressure our Congressional leaders to stop subsidizing ANY institute of higher learning, and particularly those whose staff does not consist of as many conservative professors as liberal ones. Hit them not only in the pocketbook, but also politically. There are enough of us (if we work together) to pressure Congress regardless of which party is in control. 

These are the main areas on which we must focus. If we cannot pull together, it's all over. And there is nowhere else we can go...

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