Tuesday, March 31, 2020

How To Prevent The Next "Crisis"

This article is not going to claim that it is possible to prevent another pandemic. That is not likely possible. But what IS possible is to be prepared in such a way that the next crisis need not be such a devastating problem. And it is so easy to do. And frankly, it's common sense, so our politicians may need a little help from We, the People to show them they way, for as we are now seeing, most of our elected officials are seriously lacking in the critical thinking that is the basis of common sense - or vice versa.

First, critical thinking would lead us to find the most logical root of the issue, and from there would necessitate taking orderly steps toward what you want for an end result. In this case, the root of the problem is simply that our state officials and local medical facilities do not properly prepare for a catastrophe. Hospital administrators are quick to take huge salaries plus nice bonuses instead of having their facilities keep an adequate supply of essential items in the quantity required for a pandemic. State officials, who are politicians and not usually good planners, do not pass legislation requiring that medical facilities properly prepare to treat patients in even the worst of circumstances.

Imagine if every medical facility had had an abundance of N95 masks, nitrile gloves, and ventilators on hand in case of emergency. Where would we be today? I doubt the country would be shut down and the economy crashing around our ears. And I seriously doubt as many lives would have been lost.

Now, this blogger is not the sort to rant about a problem unless he has a possible solution in mind...

As a reader of the Good Book I recall that a Pharoah once had a dream about fat cows and lean cows. When he asked Joseph to interpret the dream, Joe told him it meant there would be seven years of plenty followed by seven years of famine. The Pharoah then decreed that 1/7 of all crops would be stored for the future, for seven years. When the years of famine came, the Pharoah's people had plenty to eat. See where I'm going here?

I suggest, first and foremost, that the citizens of each state contact their legislative body and tell them they need to do something similar to this plan, and do it quickly. Keep on them until they DO it. Because if YOU do not get on them, nothing will change, and the next time something like this happens, it may be you, or your family and friends that will suffer for it. That is the first and most important step - I hope you will all step up to the plate by passing this on to everyone you know, and contacting your leaders - as often as necessary until it ges done.

I realize I may be stretching this a bit, and giving too much credit to our illustrious leaders, but I must assume they are at least as smart as a 4000 year old dead Egyptian.

Step two - create The Plan. One suggestion (and a good one, if I say so myself) is for each state to set up one or more centrally located warehouses and get them stocked to the level required. The state would charge every medical facility in the state a pre-determined percentage of their monthly or quarterly profits and use those funds EXCLUSIVELY to stock those warehouses. The amount charged should be sufficient to be have them fully stocked within 3 years.

After it is fully stocked, medical facilities would obtain their "normal" supplies from the warehouse as needed. What they use would be replaced by their quarterly payments for stocking, thereby keeping a full stockpile at all times. Someone wold be appointed by THE PEOPLE, in a vote, to oversee that the stock remains full. Checks and balances, y'know. It just would not do to allow "rats" to get in and "eat up" those supplies, if you get my drift!

Step three - IMPLEMENT the Plan! One way or another, FORCE your elected officials to do their job, which, to put it bluntly is to provide for the HEALTH AND SAFETY of the citizens of their state.

Well? Do you need an invitation? Pass this on to everyone in your circle, then contact your elected officials and DEMAND they implement a similar plan. It's your state.  And it just might mean the lives of those you love (not to mention yourself).

We now know what is important. This is it!


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