Thursday, March 19, 2020

Prepared - Not Scared

The purpose of this post is to provide an idea as to what every adult should do to insure they and their family are prepared to at least a small extent.

During this time of crisis (panic), much of the panic could have been easily avoided had every adult taken the necessary steps to be even a little bit prepared for any emergency. It is an absolute certainty that, eventually, a major emergency will rear its ugly head and cause havoc.

While we cannot avoid a crisis, there is a lot we can do to prevent the crisis from causing havoc and turning into panic. It's called "being prepared". And for the record, a "heads up": the people pushing the New World Order (globalists) have stated publicly that they intend to create massive food, water, fuel (energy) shortages. When they speak, LISTEN, because it means it is already planned (like this "pandemic") and they are ready to roll it out. There WILL be major shortages, and they will likely be long term. You have been warned!

As a Boy Scout, the motto is "Be Prepared". And my dad always taught us it's better to have something and not need it than to need it and not have it.

The purpose of this post is to assist people in helping themselves to be prepared, and not be subject to panic and being left out in the cold. And if every adult were to follow even a moderate plan, the entire nation would be in good and capable hands.

Having been a "prepper" since childhood (over 60 years) here are the things I believe every American should always have on hand at all times. Bear in mind, in cases where an item has an expiration date, it goes without saying those things should be rotated, keeping the supply fresh.

Here is where I would begin at a minimal level of preparedness...


  • One month supply of "survival" food for every member of the family, such as offered by Wise Foods. If kept cool and dry, it will last up to 25 years. I would use and rotate every 10 years by donating the old to a food pantry and use the tax deduction toward a fresh supply
  • One month supply of canned/dry goods for each family member, rotated 
  • Freezer with a rotating supply of meat (if not vegan) 
  • One month supply of food for any pets


  • One month supply of - yes - toilet paper & paper towels
  • 100' coil of paracord, or at least strong rope
  • Sharp knife & knife sharpener
  •  One rifle or gun per adult and know how to use it safely (You may have to hunt for food - or protect your own)
  • MINIMUM 100 rounds of ammo per firearm (I have many arms + 20k rounds)
  • A few Bic lighters - check them periodically, as they can lose fuel over time
  • At least 10 gallons of FRESH gasoline. Must be rotated/replaced at least every 6 months
  • 100 gallons distilled or purified water - replace annually
  • Stash (at home) at least $500 emergency cash. If you have to use it, you will then understand the importance of replacing it afterward


  • If you have prescriptions, try to keep a 90 day supply on hand
  • Supplements (vitamins etc.) 
  • A half dozen bottles of hydrogen peroxide
  • Supply of disinfectant wipes
  • At least (10) N95 masks for each family member - MUCH cheaper if not already in a crisis
  • At least one box of nitrile gloves for each family member
  • Well-stocked first-aid kit 


  • If you can afford it, at least a small generator, with enough FRESH fuel to provide for electrical and/or heating needs for 2 weeks
  • Keep fuel tanks in vehicles full - refill when guage at the halfway mark

Multiply all of the above by 200 million adults and it will become clear that America will be in great shape, and panic need not even be part of any discussion. More to the point - YOU and your family will have peace of mind!

[Brought to you as a PSA by "The Simple Man's Guide to Real Estate" ]


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