Thursday, April 21, 2016

The New American Slavery

Yes, I know - Lincoln (a Republican, by the way) freed the slaves 150 years ago. But slavery exists once again in America, though it is in a different form.

One hundred years after Abe set forth the Emancipation Proclamation that effectively made all slavery in America unlawful, a Republican congress enacted the Civil Rights act, despite Democrats who opposed and even filibustered against it. Then President Lyndon Baines Johnson, a democrat, put forth the so-called "war on poverty" with the emphasais on public welfare programs - giving hand-outs instead of a hand up. On the surface, it sounds pretty good - level the playing field by giving free benefits to the poor, which are primarily black Americans. But that was not the true intent, nor the actual result.

Before proceeding, please note that I speak from experience here. In 1989 I became homeless after a rough divorce. Destitute, with no assets from which to get a new start, I ended up living from homeless shelter to homeless shelter, eating in soup kitchens and getting food stamps. A proud, independent person, that really tortured my very soul at first, but out of necessity I grew accustomed to living off the good graces of others. I became addicted to a life that was a life devoid of any real worth, but also devoid of any responsibility. Life was difficult, yet incredibly simple. Until one day when I looked in a mirror and asked myself, "Billy boy, what the HELL are you DOING? You only get one life, and when it's gone, there's no do-overs. Get your ass in gear and take back your life!" I did. As a real estate investor I now earn enough to pay $89,000 in income taxes each year! So I firmly believe in getting off the dole and doing for oneself. And that is the back story.

When the government starts providing for people, the people become dependent, and therefore, vulnerable. The government can then control the people by giving or taking benefits. Welfare is like a drug, but even more addictive as it becomes a matter of survival. We now have 4th and 5th generation welfare families who know no other way to survive. They have been successfully stripped of any sense of independence and self-reliance which are necessary for success in a world where everyone must compete or fail. Along with the loss of independence goes any sense of personal responsibility - oh, how much easier it is to just not worry about survival when the government pays all your bills. Take a nap in the park, then go to the soup kitchen, then sack out in the shelter.

Now think about this - slaves had no personal responsibility, and certainly no chance for independence. They lived by the good graces of their masters. They did as they were told, simply because they would not be fed, clothed or housed otherwise (not to mention beaten). That is slavery. And now I ask you, how is that any different from a black American who has been stripped of responsibility and independence, and does as the government tells him or he will lose his food stamps, section 8 housing and other welfare benefits?

Thanks to the democrats' "war on poverty" and insistence that welfare be expanded rather than actually helping the poor to rise up to a better life, the poor - again, primarily black Americans - are once again slaves. The only difference is who the master is - the government.

Statistics over the last 50 years prove beyond any doubt that welfare harms more than it helps. Everyone knows this. So why would any political party intentionally continue with ever increasing entitlements? In a word, CONTROL. If they can control your access to food, clothing, housing, health care etc., they control you. But it goes further than that - they also control how those people vote, simply by telling them that if they vote for anyone but Democrats, they will lose their precious entitlements. Threats of losing the only way of life they know is frightening. And this is how Democrats retain power - and keep their slaves.

And it is 100% intentional.

If black Americans want to end slavery once and for all; if they want to beat down the racism that keeps them under someone's thumb; if they want to ever have the so-called "priviledge" that whites supposedly have - then they need to get smart and realise that the Democrats are actually harming them, not helping.

When Republicans passed welfare reform in the 90's, for the first time in 40 years records show the black community began to prosper. But that was short-lived as Democrats soon took over congress and have since undone welfare reform and the prosperity that it brought.

If you are white, understand that your "white priviledge" is provided by the democrats, as they use their power to keep black Americans in poverty. If you are black, understand that to democrat politicians, your "black lives don't matter" beyond your ability and willingness to keep Democrats in office. They promise much, but deliver nothing.

You know it's true. You know the black community has never gained any ground under democrats. They still do not get school choice. They still do not have decent jobs. They still do not get respect.

White or black, think about that when you go to the polls.

As with most conservative  Republicans, here is what I would like to see done:

1) Offer school choice, particularly to the disadvantaged and less fortunate, that they may get an education that will serve them well

2) Instead of permanent handouts that debilitate, give them a hand up, with education, training, mentoring and temporary welfare to keep them afloat until they can manage on their own. Instead of giving them a fish that feeds them for a day, teach them how to fish, so they can feed themselves for a lifetime.

3) Remove regulations that prevent the growth of businesses, that there would be jobs available

4) Make it unacceptable, as it once was, for any individual or group to foster racism via race-baiting, or to use race as a weapon against those with whom one disagrees

These simple things would go a long way toward reducing poverty and providing a level playing field for all. Unfortunately, democrat politicians have continuously opposed all of them.


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