Saturday, May 21, 2016

Obama's $12 Billion "Hidden" Tax On Us

President Obama just passed an executive order requiring businesses to push up the salary cap for overtime to over $45,000. In other words, salaried employees earning more than $27,000 and less than $45,000 per year (about 4.2 million) will be able to collect overtime pay in addition to their salary. Sounds reasonable, eh?

Not so much. This move will cost businesses $12 BILLION per year. And since businesses (unlike the government) cannot print money, they must increase the cost of their products and services. This means that all consumers, rich or poor, you and I, will be paying that $12 billion. This amounts to a back-door tax on all of us - even the poor.

So, assuming Mr Obama is not a complete idiot, why would he hit us with such a tax just before a critical election?

Remember that 4.2 million people who will GET that $12 billion? They are VOTERS. And many will remember this boon come election day, while the rest of us who are getting soaked will not, simply because most people do not realize that the $12 billion is coming from their pockets.

Ever the corrupt, partisan liberal politician, Obama has struck another blow against democracy by buying another 4 million votes to keep the corrupt politicians in power, and sending us the bill!

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