Sunday, April 17, 2016

Putting Putin in His Place - Hard

If I were President I would order the military to shoot down any non-ally aircraft that violates the Rules of Engagement. I would then get Putin on the "hotline" and say, "The United States of America will no longer tolerate your belligerence or provocative activities. Take note that ANY Russian military vehicle that comes too close to America ships, planes or personnel, or those of our allies, that Russian vehicle will be destroyed immediately and without warning.

"We have not ignored you out of fear. We have ignored you up until now because you, Mr Putin, and not necessarily your nation, are of little consequence. You are akin to an ankle-biting dog.

"If you continue to try and get under our skin, it is an itch we will scratch, and scratch HARD! There will be no further warning nor discussion - keep clear of American assets, or pay the penalty for your indiscretions.You decide how many more planes you want to lose."

"Have a nice day, Vlad."

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