Sunday, July 14, 2019

"Cultural Appropriation" is BS

The radical political correctness police keep harping and railing against anyone who eats or wears anything from another culture, claiming it is somehow "wrong". Today they are slamming Rihanna. To those idiots I would only say that America is, and always has been a "melting pot", and most sane, reasonable people are proud of that. Only haters, bigots and morons would take issue with it.

According to them, only Mexicans can make or eat tacos; only Italians can eat pasta, only Japanese may wear a kimono. And only black people can have dreadlocks.  That's all just so much BS.

Everyone in America "appropriates" the cultures of others - how many of the black "Do-Wop" groups of the 50's wore their hair in an American DA (short for ducks a**)? And how many Mexicans have eaten a hamburger or hot dog? And how many foreign nationals play, or even watch a the Great American Pasttime - a baseball game?

I have always believed political correctness is evil, and capable of dooming not only democracy, but civilization itself, and that is no exaggeration. It divides people. It forces people to control (or be controlled), and even squelch their thoughts and beliefs. It is, at its very core, the central focus of fascism.

When PC first started, radicals would say it's wrong to call someone "fat", and we should use terms like "weight challenged" in order to not offend the obese. But who in their right mind actually believes that the fat guy doesn't realize you are still calling him fat, only in different words? No, PC does not prevent anyone from being offended - it simply makes radicals feel less guilty about the verbiage they use, and more importantly it is designed to control our speech.

Like "undocumented" instead of "illegal". And the "homeless" are now "outdoor urban dwellers", "Merry Christmas"  is "Seasons Greetings" (and Christmas is the "Winter Festival"), the poor are "economically marginalised" and an "insult" is now "emotional rape". Radical fascists in America realize that to change minds and beliefs, and control the masses, one must first control the speech. Our Founders specifically made "freedom of speech" the FIRST amendment in the Bill Of Rights for good reason. PC is the antithesis of the first amendment, and since it controls speech, it is blatantly fascist.

Note that "politically correct" was initially coined by Leon Trotsky to refer favorably to those whose views remained in sync with the ever-shifting Bolshevik Party line. This was important, as "not PC" people risked prison or death.

Back to "cultural appropriation" - today I will wear a sombrero while eating a pizza, then drive my Japanese car to Native American event, then watch a fireworks display (which were invented by the Chinese). And I may even call some dude "Bro".


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