Thursday, June 27, 2019

Is Trump Responsible For Those Deaths at the Border?

To hear Beto O'Rourke and others on the left tell it, President Trump is responsible for the deaths of a father and daughter who drowned trying to get into our country. And I understand why they make that claim. But let's take an HONEST look at what occured.

For nearly 50 years Congress has refused to do anything to fix the loopholes in our immigration policies and laws. Worse yet, for 50 years administrations - both Democrat and Republican - have refused to adequately enforce the laws we do have.

During the previous administration, immigrants were encouraged to come here, in hopes of being covered under the "Dreamer's" policy known as DACA. And as progressives on the left institute Sanctuary policies to protect illegal immigrants - even if they are gang members or criminals - and call for more open borders, elimination of ICE and now decriminalization of entering the U.S. illegally, well, you may as well send out personalized invitations to anyone who would rather be here than in their own country.

And that is precisely why that father and daughter died. Had they not been "invited" by progressive, leftist policies, they might never have come at all, or better yet, might have tried a legal method of entry.

President Trump did not send out those invitations. Instead, he is the first president in decades to take illegal immigration seriously, and try to end it by actually enforcing our immigration laws. And when one side sends out an invitation, and the other side snaps it away, people will get hurt.

There are two possible solutions to preventing such deaths. On the one hand we could do what those on the left want, and open our borders to all who come. On the other hand, we could stop sending out invitations like sanctuary cities and states, and providing them with the means and the legal representation to assist them in flouting our laws, close loopholes, and create more legal methods for entry that concentrates on merit. The former would result in our schools, hospitals and cities being over-run, resulting in a cost of trillions to try and rectify, not to mention allowing some pretty bad people to prey on our citizens. The latter would result in the rule of law being upheld, and an immigration system that is sane, sensible, logical and good for our country.

Yes, I feel for people in other countries who long for a better life. And perhaps we can look into ways we might help them create a better life within the boundaries of their own country. But I think progressives should make a stab at understanding something - our own founders were no different from these people, insofar as being downtrodden and ruled harshly. But there is a huge difference - our founders did not run! They FOUGHT to make this country what it is. And we have fought to keep it ever since. In doing so, there is a strong sense of pride in our country - at least or those of us who have not been brainwashed into believing America is a bad place. But how can it be bad when so many risk life and limb to get here?

The point: these people trying to run from their own country should stop, turn around and FIGHT for something better in their own lands. Unless they do that, they will never be worth anything in ANY country they live in, because they simply are not willing to do the work necessary to fix their own.

Now, back to the claims on the left that Trump is responsible, and why they make that claim - they have no choice. They must either try and blame someone else, or accept responsibility for paving the way for such things to happen. It is either blame Trump, or blame sanctuary cities, and all those rewards that progressives want to issue to illegal immigrants.

And we all know that progressives never accept responsibility for their mistakes. Ted Kennedy anyone? Hillary and her illegal server? And even abortion right up to the moment of birth - the ultimate ditching of personal responsibility that ends in terminating an innocent life. The last time I heard a liberal accept responsibility for anything was when President John F Kennedy took responsibility for the Bay of Pigs fiasco.

No, do not expect "Beto" or his ilk to accept any responsibility for the mistakes made by the policies they hold dear.


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