Sunday, July 17, 2016

Atheism, Evolution, Creationism & Yellow Jackets

WOW! I tweeted that Bill Nye is not a scientist (he is not) and that he understands nothing about Creationism, so he might not want to show his ignorance by speaking on the subject. Well, it went viral - within minutes I was being inundated by every atheist on Twitter with the most outrageously ignorant comments, many of which were mere personal attacks - the last refuge of someone without a viable argument. They are like yellow jackets - one attacks, and that draws out every other bee in the nest. It's really pathetic that they are so insecure that they need to gang up, getting all their buddies involved, just so they can prove themselves to be jerks who refuse to accept that other peoples' beliefs may differ from their own. So intolerant, from those who claim to be the tolerant ones.

Every atheist retweeted to every other atheist, and so on down the line. They seem to have a "pack" mentality - they have an inherent need to try and squelch another person's speech by ganging up on those they disagree with. A mob. If you have ever been stung by a yellow jacket because you got too close to the nest, you know what I mean - every other bee in the nest begins to home in on the hormone from the sting, and they swarm you. Well, that's how atheists and far-left liberals are.

After my comment, I received Tweets calling me stupid for not believing in evolution, even though I never even said anything about it. I simply said 99% of Christians do not believe the Earth is only 6000 years old. Suddenly, and even though that ALLOWS for evolution, the atheists were swarming me with insults about how I know nothing about evolution.

And it did absolutely no good whatever to explain that evolution and Creation are not mutually exclusive, and that I certainly do believe in evolution among living things that exist. But I pointed out the common sense that in order for something to evolve, it must first exist, and that ultimately requires being created. Inanimate non-living things cannot evolve. Rocks cannot evolve, yet they exist. If their existence is not due to evolution, where DID they come from?

They then fire back with how everything was created from nothing. Mind you, these mental midgets are telling me that "scientific theory" is everything, yet they are quick to ignore the First Law of Physics (a science) - matter can neither be created nor destroyed. So their theory that everything just magically appeared goes against both physics & common sense. Not to mention that their theory is even crazier than one that claims everything is created by some Greater Power.

They say I am ignorant for believing SOMETHING created the building blocks of the universe, but they think it is perfectly sane to believe NOTHING created it.

These intellectual morons will never get it. They are incapable of understanding that while evolution explains a lot about how we got from early Man to Modern Man, it does nothing to prove that there was no creation. It only shows that, once created, we begin to adapt and evolve. And if that evolution is too slow, there is nothing to say Divine Intelligence could not interject an upgraded model like Adam. After all, if Genesis is correct, and Eve was made from Adam's rib, that sure sounds like cloning to me. It reminds me of the guy from New York who went to St Louis and stopped there, then states there is no Los Angeles because he has never seen it. For some reason their little brains cannot seem to comprehend that, though rocks cannot evolve, and therefore do not fit in with evolution, they still exist nonetheless.

They say I believe in a "Magic Guy In The Sky". Yet they believe in the magic of something being created from nothing. They try to tell me I am stupid because I point out that "matter can neither be created nor destroyed", that I believe God created himself, even though I never said that, either. But here is the point they are not smart enough to understand - intelligence has no physical properties - it does not exist as "matter". And the ultimate intelligence (Divine Intelligence) is powerful enough to create a physical universe in which to exist, much as we create a house, or city, to exist in.

The short take: Creation does not depend on evolution, but evolution does depend on creation. You were created. Now you are evolving. Simple, to anyone capable of thought. But atheists and evolutionists just cannot see it. And they simply refuse to respect that others may not share their myopic view of things.

Creation and evolution are not mutually exclusive - there is plenty of evidence to suggest both are true - that a Divine Intelligence created, and then evolution took over. Because Man CAN evolve to a better Man (just 300 years ago the average man was 5'6" - today it is 5'9"), but it is not likely that he developed or evolved from any other creature.

They like to think they are intellectually superior, despite their not-so-impressive I.Q.'s. But they are actually inferior, as they do not couple their "intellect" with common sense.


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