Sunday, July 24, 2016

The Misinformation About "Assault Weapons" & Gun Controls

The anti-gun people like Michael Bloomberg use fear mongering coupled with misinformation to con ordinary folks into believing stricter gun laws are required. This aricle will present the facts that the Bloombergs of the world do not want you to know. Understand - whenever bureaucrats or far-left people want to fulfill an unpopular agenda like gun control, or legalizing drugs, they always resort to disseminating misinformation, and in some cases they simply and blatantly lie, to get people to accept something they normally would not support.

I will not get into all the statistics from the FBI and DOJ that overturn many of the bogus "facts" that anti-gun people spout - you can and should check those out for yourself. For example, the FBI records indicate that 61% of all gun deaths are suicide. Anyone intent on suicide will find a means of doing so, gun or no gun.

1) "Assault weapons" like the AR-15 are NOT assault weapons at all. An assault weapon is fully automatic - pull the trigger, it keeps firing until you release the trigger or it runs out of ammo. Such weapons are not available to ordinary citizens except those who have been provided a special license by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tabacco & Firearms (BATF). AR-15's available to the public are nothing more than ordinary SEMI-automatic hunting rifles (one shot for each separate pull of the trigger) that is designed to LOOK like an assault weapon. Think of it like this - just because you dress up as Superman does not make you Superman

2) Stricter gun laws actually make us less safe. Whereas criminals do not adhere to laws, gun laws only affect law-abiding citizens. Note that cities like Chicago, which have the toughest gun laws, also have the most gun crime. The reason is simple - criminals do not follow the law, and Chicago has no control over its criminal element. So ask yourself - do drug laws make people less likely to obtain drugs? Neither would more gun laws.

3) We already have sufficient gun regulation. The problem lies with the fact that liberals like Michael Bloomberg, Obama and Hillary Clinton refuse to allow them to be enforced. In fact, it was AG Eric Holder who permitted "Fast & Furious" to transport illegal weapons into the hands of Mexican drug cartels.

4) While "Universal Background Checks" sounds like common sense, nothing could be further from the truth. For starters, it could never be universal because criminals would not comply, nor do they have to. They will continue to get their weapons as they always have - black market, thefts etc. And the DOJ, itself, states that universal background checks are unenforceable without complete gun registration. And in every case, gun registration in other nations has always preceded the confiscation of guns from law-abiding citizens

5) Many of the "Universal Background Check" laws proposed by Bloomberg and others have hidden fangs that will effectively destroy our right to defend ourselves. For example, it would make criminals out of most law-abiding citizens. Some of the proposed laws are written to include things like making it a felony to loan a gun to a relative or friend for hunting, or to even let someone hold your gun to look at it. And in many instances those laws would include sections making it a crime to have the gun and the ammo anywhere near each other - what good is that if an armed intruder breaks in to do you harm?

6) The anti-gun people often use the strawman that the Second Amendment only preserves our right to have guns for hunting, and the AR-15 is not a "hunting" rifle. First, it IS a hunting rifle - it is nothing more than the same semi-auto use for hunting that is dressed in a Superman costume. More important, the Second Amendment never mentions hunting. The right to bear arms was deliberately meant to allow citizens to own AND CARRY arms for purposes of defense - defense against either individual aggressors, or the government, itself.

7) The Second Amendment specifically and clearly states that "the right of the people to KEEP and BEAR arms shall not be INFRINGED. The Bloombergs of the world want us to overlook the definitions of BEAR and INFRINGE. To bear means to carry. Infringe means to undermine; to encroach on. Whereas the Amendment states the right shall NOT be infringed, that means no one has any right or authority to prevent any legal citizen from owning or carrying a gun.

8) While the Supreme Court has ruled that the government may regulate which weapons do not fall into "personal use" category (i.e. rocket-propelled grenades, for example), any handgun or rifle that is not fully automatic is deemed to be for personal use. After all, if you are confronted by a gang of 8, do you REALLY want to have a weapon that can only hold 7 rounds because some liberal bureaucrat orders it? Don't laugh - it happened in New Orleans during Katrina, as gangs looted businesses and homes. The short take - the person who survives a lethal confrontation will ordinarily be the one who is better armed, and better trained in the use of said arms.

9) Perhaps most important: killers kill. If you take away every gun on the planet, they will STILL kill, but with different - and often more terrible - means. Look at 9-11, where a few boxcutters helped terrorists gain control of massive airplane "bombs" that murdered 3000. Or the Boston Bombers who killed and maimed with pressure cookers. And let's not forget chemical weaponry, or biological agents. Killers will kill. Guns have nothing to do with that, but in the hands of law abiding citizens those guns can help save lives. To stop a bad guy with a gun takes a good guy with a gun. And the bad guys will always have guns, no matter how many laws are passed.

Before you fall for the so-called "common sense" measures of gun control, do your homework. You will find that in EVERY instance the liberal anti-gunners have included things designed to move their gun confiscation agenda further forward, in hidden, sneaky ways - like making you and your child  criminals if you hand one of your guns over to your child to take him or her hunting. Or even to teach them gun safety.

If you are not familiar with the "Overton Window" principle that unscrupulous people use to "move the needle" in their direction, you may want to read "The Overton Window" by Glenn Beck. Not a hard core Beck fan, but this is one time he definitely nailed it. The short take - they push a proposal that is on the fringe of acceptability, yet still acceptable to the public. Once that becomes the norm, the needle has been moved forward, creating a new window, further advanced. They will then push a proposal that is on the new "fringe", and so it goes. For example, they may know they cannot push gun confiscation through - yet. So they try to push more acceptable proposals that bring the concept closer, such as universal background checks. Once they move that needle forward, it is easier to pass gun registration, moving the needle even further. Eventually it results in confiscation - just as it did in the UK and Australia.

Think of it this way - you cannot sit down and eat a cow. But if you take the cow to a butcher, and you eat one burger or steak each day, eventually you will eat that cow.

'Nuff said. "Let he who hath wisdom understand."


Sunday, July 17, 2016

Twitter Trolls

There are some on Twitter who arrogantly profess to tell me what I believe and what I do not. And they try to do what many on the left always try to do - define a person according to THEIR one-sided views and opinions. A prime example is when they try to describe Republicans as wanting polluted air and water, and want to toss Grandma off a cliff. It's all BS, but that is what they thrive on - they cannot win an argument on merit, so they try to slime the person they disagree with.

So, this post has a singular purpose: to state what I do and do not believe, in a clear fashion. And while those on the left, including atheists and their ilk may try to twist it to be what they want it to be, the reader can and should take my beliefs to be exactly as I state them here - no more, no less.

I believe that living things, as a general rule, evolve
I do not believe evolution can account for the existence of the universe
Therefore, I believe that Creationism and Evolution can co-exist. They are not mutually exclusive. First comes birth (creation), then comes growth (evolution)
I believe God exists, but having given us free choice, does not generally interfere, but does so now and again just to let us know He's still around
Like any good Father, God lets us make mistakes so we can learn, and grow stronger
I believe the Earth warms, then cools, then warms
I believe people are arrogant if they think there is anything we can or should do about the climate cycles
As a Christian I understand that the Bible does not profess Earth to be 6000 years old. In Hebrew, the word for "day" (yom) can also mean epoch, era or any other period of time. It was King James who made that (incorrect) interpretation
I believe anyone who takes any INTERPRETATION of the Scriptures as being accurate should remember it is only an interpretation
I believe Islam is not a religion of peace, but moderates want Islam to evolve into one. Others do not
I believe that, while unlikely, it is possible that Mankind is just a huge game of "Forge of Empires" being played by unseen forces of Good and Evil
I believe evil truly exists
I believe most people are generally good, but all can be bad at times
I believe Political Correctness is a disease that could destroy America, designed to stifle free speech and expression
I believe politicians who promises anything for "free" is being blatantly dishonest - there is no free lunch
I believe the liberal professors in our colleges and universities are harming our youth, and America
I believe the liberal media intentionally misleads people, to further a liberal agenda
I believe people kill people, and would do so, guns or no guns.
I believe we should welcome honest, hard-working, law abiding immigrants who will assimilate
I believe we should deport those who cheat, cut the line and come here illegally, especially if they are convicted of any crime
I believe "sanctuary cities" are in violation of federal law and the Constitution, and should not be allowed
I believe American citizens should have more rights than illegals
I believe my life belongs to God, my family, myself  & my country - in that order
I believe we are all brothers and sisters - but we don't have to like them all
I believe others have the right to disagree with me, and be wrong if they so choose
I believe abortion is murder except when there is a real threat to the life of the mother, or in cases on incest
I believe only violent offenders should take up space in prisons. Others should be subject to other penalties
I believe dealing in drugs that can, and do, kill is a violent crime
I especially believe my wife, my best friend, is the most wonderful woman I have ever met

AND, I believe that those who refuse to respect my right to my opinions, or try to bully me from expressing them are not worthy of any consideration from anyone, anywhere

I believe a lot of folks won't like my beliefs.
And I believe I don't give a hoot

And I believe I'll grab a cold one, and watch Duck Dynasty


Atheism, Evolution, Creationism & Yellow Jackets

WOW! I tweeted that Bill Nye is not a scientist (he is not) and that he understands nothing about Creationism, so he might not want to show his ignorance by speaking on the subject. Well, it went viral - within minutes I was being inundated by every atheist on Twitter with the most outrageously ignorant comments, many of which were mere personal attacks - the last refuge of someone without a viable argument. They are like yellow jackets - one attacks, and that draws out every other bee in the nest. It's really pathetic that they are so insecure that they need to gang up, getting all their buddies involved, just so they can prove themselves to be jerks who refuse to accept that other peoples' beliefs may differ from their own. So intolerant, from those who claim to be the tolerant ones.

Every atheist retweeted to every other atheist, and so on down the line. They seem to have a "pack" mentality - they have an inherent need to try and squelch another person's speech by ganging up on those they disagree with. A mob. If you have ever been stung by a yellow jacket because you got too close to the nest, you know what I mean - every other bee in the nest begins to home in on the hormone from the sting, and they swarm you. Well, that's how atheists and far-left liberals are.

After my comment, I received Tweets calling me stupid for not believing in evolution, even though I never even said anything about it. I simply said 99% of Christians do not believe the Earth is only 6000 years old. Suddenly, and even though that ALLOWS for evolution, the atheists were swarming me with insults about how I know nothing about evolution.

And it did absolutely no good whatever to explain that evolution and Creation are not mutually exclusive, and that I certainly do believe in evolution among living things that exist. But I pointed out the common sense that in order for something to evolve, it must first exist, and that ultimately requires being created. Inanimate non-living things cannot evolve. Rocks cannot evolve, yet they exist. If their existence is not due to evolution, where DID they come from?

They then fire back with how everything was created from nothing. Mind you, these mental midgets are telling me that "scientific theory" is everything, yet they are quick to ignore the First Law of Physics (a science) - matter can neither be created nor destroyed. So their theory that everything just magically appeared goes against both physics & common sense. Not to mention that their theory is even crazier than one that claims everything is created by some Greater Power.

They say I am ignorant for believing SOMETHING created the building blocks of the universe, but they think it is perfectly sane to believe NOTHING created it.

These intellectual morons will never get it. They are incapable of understanding that while evolution explains a lot about how we got from early Man to Modern Man, it does nothing to prove that there was no creation. It only shows that, once created, we begin to adapt and evolve. And if that evolution is too slow, there is nothing to say Divine Intelligence could not interject an upgraded model like Adam. After all, if Genesis is correct, and Eve was made from Adam's rib, that sure sounds like cloning to me. It reminds me of the guy from New York who went to St Louis and stopped there, then states there is no Los Angeles because he has never seen it. For some reason their little brains cannot seem to comprehend that, though rocks cannot evolve, and therefore do not fit in with evolution, they still exist nonetheless.

They say I believe in a "Magic Guy In The Sky". Yet they believe in the magic of something being created from nothing. They try to tell me I am stupid because I point out that "matter can neither be created nor destroyed", that I believe God created himself, even though I never said that, either. But here is the point they are not smart enough to understand - intelligence has no physical properties - it does not exist as "matter". And the ultimate intelligence (Divine Intelligence) is powerful enough to create a physical universe in which to exist, much as we create a house, or city, to exist in.

The short take: Creation does not depend on evolution, but evolution does depend on creation. You were created. Now you are evolving. Simple, to anyone capable of thought. But atheists and evolutionists just cannot see it. And they simply refuse to respect that others may not share their myopic view of things.

Creation and evolution are not mutually exclusive - there is plenty of evidence to suggest both are true - that a Divine Intelligence created, and then evolution took over. Because Man CAN evolve to a better Man (just 300 years ago the average man was 5'6" - today it is 5'9"), but it is not likely that he developed or evolved from any other creature.

They like to think they are intellectually superior, despite their not-so-impressive I.Q.'s. But they are actually inferior, as they do not couple their "intellect" with common sense.


Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Clashing Realities - How To End Racism in America

With all the talk of racism today, and all the anger, distrust and violence associated with it, it behooves us as a nation to find a way to put racism behind us. But how?

Before getting into how we can fix this, we need to determine the root cause - the REAL reason why one race feels as though they are being persecuted. Many have touched on various possible causes, but few have ever come close to getting to the bottom of it. To do that, we must face certain realities that we, ourselves may not be familiar with. Each race exists in a reality different from any other race. So I am going to ask you to put aside your biases for just a few minutes, and put yourself into one of the following scenarios.

 If you are white, put yourself in this situation:

You are born out of wedlock, and into poverty. Your father, if you even know who he is, no longer is a participant in your life - he's out of the picture. Lord only knows what your mother must do to try and support you - maybe she works 2 or 3 minimum wage jobs and has no time to raise you. Or maybe it's worse than that, with prostitution and drugs. To make matters worse, you are placed into a school that is sub-standard, and which will never prepare you for anything other than life on the streets. You learn more from members of the local gangs than you do in school.

You can see what is happening to your mother. Add everything up, and the anger builds. Anger at an unfair society that takes a baby that was born equal and turns him or her into something seen as inferior, facing hopelessness and a lack of respect for others, and even for life itself.

You see your life as hopeless, and not worth the litter in the alleys you gravitate to. And if your life has no value, then NO life has value, and it would not bother you to take the life of someone who gets in your way.

And as you fall into a life of crime, drugs, prostitution and self-loathing, you act in ways that cause other races to fear you. And when they fear you, they treat you with distrust, disrespect and loathing. And that just proves to you that you are righteous in your own hatred of them. It is a self-fulfilling prophecy.

On the other hand, if you are a minority, put yourself into this situation. You are now white for a few moments. You see what is happening in the streets. You see people who do not speak clear English, wear their pants down around their knees, hide their faces with hoodies, and engaging in the behavior mentioned above. And every day the news is filled with stories of blacks killing blacks  - thousands a year in Chicago, alone. You become incredibly leary when you encounter someone of that race, even if that person is a good person, because you do not KNOW him. The reality of life as a black man, coupled with what you see, and hear in the news has created preconceived notions as to what you might expect if you interact with them. And when fear clashes with anger, you get violence.

OK, there we have the two scenarios - in one case, there is distrust and hatred born of hopelessness. And in the other case, distrust and hatred is born of fear and what you see when faced with such a person. He hates you, and you hate him. Not because of anything you or he may have actually done, but only because of different realities clashing.

Fixing this will not be easy, nor will it happen quickly. But it CAN be fixed before another generation arrives and grows up.

First, we need leaders who will address the breakup of the family unit, and help families stay together. If, for example, a woman can collect more welfare if the father is not in the home, then there will be no man in the home. We need to change the narrative that will increase the odds of a father accepting responsibility for his children. And for those families who still do not include a father figure, we must provide one, in the form of "big brothers and sisters" and mentors.

We must make it easier for a single mother to support and care for her children - with those mentors and with free, quality day care and more support.

And we need to get certain representatives and senators to stop blocking "school choice". Every child, regardless of circumstance or neighborhood should be afforded the best K-12 education possible. A good education will do more to end the hopelessness and self-loathing that now exists in many minority communities. Dump the unions that want to keep the status quo - they are concerned only with their members - the teachers - at the expense of the children.

And our police should receive additional training to help them come to grips with possible outcomes when realities clash. Without letting their guard down, they need to be more empathetic with those whose reality is harsh.

And our leaders must never, ever "pander" to minorities. This just perpetuates the distrust and disrespect by inferring that they ARE being persecuted. If any candidate for any office resorts to pandering, do not vote for them. They should not get a single vote.

And every candidate for office should ascribe to the suggestions above, and work tirelessly to make them happen.

As for race-baiters like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and the not-so-Reverend Wright, we can deal with them by not empowering them or suppporting them. If anyone wants to use race to divide us, they should be ignored.

And on the other side, black leaders, families and clergy need to work tirelessly to bring an end to the black-on-black crime in their communities, and instill in their children a deeper respect for others.

And within a generation we could all but wipe out most of the root causes of racism. If minorities have hope, a family, a good education and support structure that surpasses that of gangs and drugs, and if the rest of us work tirelessly to help make that happen, America will again be the "Shining Beacon" for this troubled world.

If you find any value in this post, please pass it on, because it will take a lot of us to make it happen.


Saturday, July 9, 2016

The Dallas Debacle - How To Stop The Carnage

In the wake of the horrible tragedy in Dallas the other day, where 12 police officers were shot, America seems to be confused as to how we can stop this kind of carnage. What confuses me is why so many people are confused as to what can be done to stop it, when the shooter, himself, told us where the blame lies, and how to fix it.

To hear many (particularly on the left, but to a lesser extent on the right) the blames lies in gun ownership, because the victims were shot, or in cases like the cop who shoots an unarmed black person, the blame lies with "rampant racism". In other instances, they claim the fault lies in income inequality, or with the wealthy.

Neither guns nor racism nor wealth are to blame. Those are nothing more than "staw men" designed to get us to NOT focus on the real issue.  All of these tragedies are caused by hatred, distrust, disrespect and disdain for certain groups of people. And while that, in some cases, is racism (on both sides), that is still not the cause. If we want to put a stop to such tragedies, we need to address the issue that CAUSES that hatred and disdain - the rhetoric on the left that stokes the flames, and douses an ember with gasoline, often for their own personal gain in the form of power. It is, quite simply, the essence of Hitler's "Mein Kampf" and Saul Alinkski's "Rules for Radicals". Stir the pot. Divide people. Get them angry and hateful and fighting each other so you can go in and pick up all the marbles.

When a politician, for example, uses a tragedy like Dallas or Ferguson to push their political agenda, they are fanning the flames - they are pumping the gas when they, as leaders, should be pumping the brakes. When that politician panders to a specific group, whether it be blacks, hispanics or the poor, that politician is intentionally creating a rift, a division, among Americans. They are using an "Us versus Them" strategy to divide and conquer. And in doing so, for the express purpose of getting those groups to vote for them, they are laying the groundwork for a "Dallas Debacle".

When you hear a politician, or someone in the media (who does this to get ratings - a different type of vote) blaming guns, or cops, or the wealthy, or anything other than the rhetoric that divides us, then you are hearing the very people who are to blame.

Putting a stop to these tragedies is as simple as putting a stop to the rhetoric that divides. And we do that at the voting booth - simply do not vote for anyone who panders for votes, or engages in rhetoric that divides instead of unites. If we keep them out of office, we take away their power to inflame. And if we stop patronizing media outlets that use that rhetoric to increase sales or ratings, then they, too, lose their power to divide us.

And if any of this makes  sense to you, you can do your part by passing this on.

"United we stand. Divided, we fall." We, and only we can decide which it will be.


Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Matt Damon Again Shows His Ignorance

OK, so this is getting absurd - Matt Damon (not unlike many Hollywood airheads) insists on proving to the world how ignorant he is. Last month he tried, unsuccessfully, to play an economist, and got it so wrong because he never bothered to do even basic research. And now he says all guns in America should be confiscated. Really?

Every single study, and all of the statistics prove a few points that Damon and his ilk are apparently unaware of (or CHOOSE to ignore). First, bad guys do not, and will not abide by laws. Anyone willing to murder fellow human beings will not be deterred by a law that says he cannot have a gun. The bad guys will ALWAYS have guns. Look at Chicago, a city with the toughest gun laws, yet every street punk and gang member has one, and the murder rate is the highest in the nation.

Next, in EVERY case where a bad guy with a gun started killing people, he or she was only stopped by a good guy with a gun. None has ever been stopped with rhetoric - or gun laws!

Follow that with the simple fact (and common sense) that criminals (predators) seek out easy marks (unarmed prey) and avoid confronting those who may be armed. This is shown most impressively by the fact that every - EVERY - mass shooter (either a deranged person or terrorist) has chosen to do his killing in a gun-free zone such as a mall, theater, school and the like. Imagine if the entire country was a gun-free zone!

So, let us for the moment look at America as a nation where guns are made illegal, and all honest citizens turn in their guns. Since criminals will not turn in theirs, we would have a nation where the criminals and killers will be unfettered. And even if, by some major miracle, we could confiscate all the guns from criminals, that still would not end the violence - any 10 year old can build a gun. I was only 8 when I made my first "zip gun". It's not rocket science. So criminals would STILL get guns.

And even if we could erase the technology for building guns, those intent on killing will use other methods. Remember the Boston Bombers who used pressure cookers? McVey who made a bomb from fertilizer? The maniac who used a sword? Those who use knives? Biological or chemical agents (the guy who poisoned bottles of Excedrin)? Or how about jet-liners (or box cutters), like the ones that murdered 3000 citizens on 9-11?

To the Hollywood elite like Matt Damon I would make a simple suggestion - stick to playing a smart person on TV and don't insert yourself into subjects you do not comprehend. Just because you can play a doctor on TV does not make you a doctor.
