Thursday, March 10, 2022

America in Crisis - 40 Things We MUST Do To Save It


America is in crisis. We must quickly act to repair the damage or be relegated to the trash bin of history, ending freedom everywhere - there is nowhere else to run.

This list is a good place to start. It consists of 40 items to counter the 40 Executive Orders issued by President Biden on his first days in office. We must INSIST all candidates sign onto a pact to push/support bills for all of the following, and upon inauguration of a Republican president that he/she issues executive orders for all of the following:

  1. Authorize the XL and other pipeline(s) and any other means of energy production, making America energy independent
  2. Sex Education or indoctrination introduced to any person under the age of 16 by any teacher or school shall constitute a Class A felony.
  3. All public schools must have operating live CCTV (video with audio) that all parents may access at will, in each class during all times of instruction or study
  4. VoterID required to vote in any national election. Constitution states that only citizens may vote which, by default, requires verification
  5. Finish the wall on the southern border; enforce all immigration laws
  6. End birthright citizenship
  7. Stop all foreign aid except where it can be proved it is required for national security
  8. Enumerated Powers of federal government (Art. 1 Sect 8) must be strictly adhered to
  9. End ALL pork, no exceptions
  10. Only one separate issue per bill. No bill more than 20 pp
  11. Eliminate OSHA
  12. Repeal Obama's propaganda bill HR 4310
  13. FDA may not be funded in whole or in part by pharmaceutical companies or medical community
  14. No mandate, medical or otherwise may be issued for ANY reason by any government entity, state or federal, if it violates Constitutional rights
  15. Foreign governments/nationals or entities representing them may not own real property in the U.S., its possessions/territories
  16. Elected/appointed officials incl. staff and immediate family members banned from stock trading
  17. Members of Congress must have their income sources & amounts audited annually
  18. End media protections under Section 230. However, publisher shall not be liable for material by a 3rd party provided source is properly identified
  19. Only registered voters of a state may contribute to the campaign(s) of candidates running for Rep. or Senate from that state. NO OUTSIDE SOURCES OF FUNDING FOR NATIONAL OFFICE
  20. Codify the Nuremberg Code into U.S. law
  21. Rights are absolute. NO government may infringe them in any way. If a right is abused, penalty can be assessed provided it caused direct harm
  22. Swearing to uphold the Constitution is REQUIRED for public office. Anyone whose religious beliefs are not in line with the Constitution may not hold any federal office or judgeship
  23. No liability protection for pharmaceutical products
  24. Food with any pharmaceutical or nanotech ingredient(s) including "fake" foods must be clearly & prominently labeled with such modification and offered for sale only in separate, well-marked sections of the store identified as such. Any/all executive officer(s) of any company/entity that violates this shall be subject to a mandatory penalty of not less than 10 years in prison
  25. Protect use of cash; that it shall FOREVER be legal tender for all debts public and private
  26. Abolish the Federal Reserve
  27. Break up Blackrock & Vanguard under anti-trust law
  28. Abolish the DoE, return control to the states/people
  29. Americans shall come first over all others
  30. No Congressional retirement benefit. They get Social Security, like everyone else. Maybe then they will fund it and stop stealing it
  31. Doxxing any person for any purpose shall be punishable by a $50,000 fine and up to one year in jail per instance
  32. Any elected official/agent/employee/staff of the Gov. found guilty of spying on any citizen without a warrant shall be fined $150,000 AND face imprisonment of up to 10 years per offense
  33. Congressional salaries limited to 150% of avg. income of the avg. INDIVIDUAL. Proportionate deduction for each day they fail to show up
  34. Politicians that perpetrate fraud on voters by not following through on their campaign promises shall be indicted for fraud, and if found guilty, removed from office (Article 1 Section 6)
  35. Repeal the illegally ratified 16th Amendment
  36. No government official or agency may withhold any information from the People unless for a well-defined and definite national security reason as determined by a non-partisan committee, members of which must qualify for the appropriate security level
  37. No taxpayer funds may be provided to any media outlet for any reason unless 100% non-partisan and unbiased and it abstains from any and all political reporting and/or activism
  38. Social Credit Scoring or any kind of scoring that effectively creates classes of citizens is unconstitutional as it violates the 14th Amendment and other human rights, and may not be implemented anywhere in these United States
  39. No member of Congress, nor any Congressional staff member nor any person in government service may invest in stocks of defense contractors, pharmaceutical companies or utilities, as it may cause a conflict of interest or insider trading
  40. Add to Federal Anti-Discrimination law: discrimination against any person, group, organization, financial institution or federally funded entity based on their political affiliation or beliefs shall be unlawful

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