Sunday, January 12, 2020

What Trump Knows that Democrats And the Media Don't

Ever since Trump won in 2016 the mainstream media and all Democrat politicians and people on the left  have slammed him for not understanding how "foreign policy" works. They said he would start a war with North Korea - nope! They said he would start a war with Iran - nope again. And even the so-called diplomats, claiming expertise, trashed Trumps method of dealing with both allies and enemies. They, too, were proven wrong, as he gets countries to pony up with NATO, and gets concessions in trade deals.

There is one thing that Trump knows that seems to have escaped the attention of the naysayers. Perhaps it is because dealing with nations is not all that different from dealing with contractors, banks and local governments. And no one in the media or in Congress has "been there, done that". Not like Trump.

It's a little something I like to call "learning from history."

America helped China in their Sino-Japanese War. China is an enemy now. We helped Russia fight off the Nazis in WWII - Russia is now an enemy. We helped Osama BinLaden fight the Russians in Afghanistan - he then turned our own weapons against us.

On the other hand, we went to war with England - twice - and beat them. They are now an ally. We went to war with Mexico and beat them. Mexico is now a "sort of" ally. We went to war with Germany - twice - and beat them. Italy. Japan. Beat them. They are now allies.

Are you seeing a correlation? Every time we befriend a nation, they turn on us, and every time we beat them in a war they become our staunchest allies.

Democrats and the media have never figured that out - but Donald Trump has. Trump knows the truth in the words of Teddy Roosevelt and Ronnie Reagan - "Speak softly and carry a big stick", and "Peace through strength."

When Trump butters up Kim Jung Un, that is the "speak softly" part. But then he backs it up with a big stick. He is doing the same with Iran. And while there is no guarantee that it will bring peace, it is the best option short of having to go to war.

For those who fail to see why it is that war turns enemies to friend and vice versa, it is as simple as this - everyone respects strength, and everyone detests weakness. That is in our genes - human nature - because it all goes back to the First Law of Nature - survival of the fittest.

Trump understands...


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