Sunday, December 1, 2019

Gun Laws - Not Designed To Protect Us From Crime

The title of this post is absolutely accurate - laws, no matter how well intentioned, and no matter the hype that surrounds them, will rarely have more than an inconsequential effect on criminal activity.

There are laws against rape - but rapists still rape. There are laws against murder - but killers still kill. And despite the law, bank robbers still rob banks, and tax cheats still cheat.

Gun control laws are no different. If a crimnal or unstable mind decides to kill, no gun control on Earth will thwart him or her. After all, if they do not fear execution for a mass killing, does anyone really  believe they will fear 1-5 years for violating some gun law?

Laws do not prevent crime - they merely punish those who are caught violatng them. Laws do not protect the innocent, but they do manage to fool them into thinking they do. And the only people who are punished and suffer from gun controls are the honest, law-abiding innocent gun owners who lose their Constitutional Right to self-defense, or defending family. The criminal who violates gun laws and goes out and kills will be punished for killing - but NOT for violating the gun laws. After all, does anyone  believe the courts would sentence a mass murderer to execution PLUS 5 years in prison?

Gun laws do not protect anyone from crime. All they do is punish those who violate them, often making criminals of honest, peaceful citizens who only want to feel secure with the ability to protect themselves.

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