Thursday, November 21, 2019

Proof of Biden/Burisma corruption?

The folks on the left - every one of them - are adamantly opposed to looking into the Bidens and their connections and roles in the corruption surrounding Burisma. They say it's because there is "no there there" and it would waste everyone's time. But that begets a very straightforward question: if there is no scandal, why are they so opposed to looking into it so they can show there is nothing there and clear Biden's name?

They can make up any excuses they want, but there is one thing they cannot explain away - whenever an innocent person is accused of something foul, their first and strongest urge is to clear their name. And if a person does not move Heaven and Earth to clear their name, you can bet the farm they are not innocent and have good reason for keeping it under wraps, and wanting everyone to just "forget it."

I try to be a reasonable, logical person. And it defies all reasonableness and logic for the Bidens - with the full support of all the Democrats in Congress and all the mainstream media - to not demand a full investigation to show they are not involved in any scandal. On the contrary - they are preventing any such investigation. Why?

Any sane, reasonable person knows why. There can only be the one reason. And while that does not technically constitute proof of wrongdoing, it is what it is.


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