Wednesday, October 23, 2019

While the Pundits Play Checkers, Trump Plays Chess

The title of this very short article says it all. Almost to a man, the pundits are decrying Trump's withdrawal from the Middle East, claiming "no one will trust us anymore", and that he is "abandoning our national security interests in the Middle East".

Here's the problem with their myopic assessments - Trump is far, far smarter than they are. He thinks and strategizes several moves ahead, while they are wasting time pondering only the next move.

China was counting on us wasting our resources in the Middle East, as Russia did in the '80's, giving China a huge economic and military edge. Now China is scared, and must attempt to recalibrate if they can. Iran now must try and keep Turkey out of Iraq. And Russia, with a dwindling economy, must now waste THEIR resources in the Middle East, caught between two enemies that have been at war since the sons of Abraham parted ways.

Meanwhile, America saves trillions of dollars and thousands of American lives. America takes care of America, as Trump promised.

As for "abandoning our security interests in the Middle East" - exactly what are those interests? No matter how much we spend or how many lives are lost we are not going to change Iran or Syria. As for ISIS, Trump has already made it clear that if they reconstitute, we will go back and smash them again in a matter of days. No, we have no security interests in the Middle East.

Checker players vs a world-class chess master.

'Nuff said!

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