Thursday, January 24, 2019

Entire Populations of 2 Large Nations Aborted

Since Roe vs Wade in '73 there have been almost as many abortions as the entire combined populations of Canada and Australia. Over 58 million. And of those, the average pair of adults would have spawned at least 2.3 children (another 60 million never to be born), and many grand-children. I wonder how many of those would object if only they could.

It is estimated that 4% of a population would, in their lifetimes, make substantial contributions to society, such as Jonas Salk, MLK Jr, Thomas Edison. This means we have lost over 4 million important contributions since 1973. Perhaps even a cure for Alzheimer's or cancer.

And I wonder how many pro-choice people would volunteer to go back into the womb and take their chances at not being born. It is so easy to stand for something like war or abortion when your own life is not the one at risk. But what if it were?

What if the shoe were on the other foot? If SCOTUS determines that ANY inconvenient life could be ended at the behest of another? Too old? Too disabled? To Republican? Too white?

Don't laugh - it has already started. Some insurance companies in some states are already refusing to pay for expensive long-term care, but tell relatives they WILL pay for assisted suicide, saving both the family and the insurer a lot of money. The alternative is bankruptcy for the family saddled with the cost of care.

When Roe was passed, the court stated that abortion should be decriminalized, but should be safe, legal and rare. Frankly, 58 million is not "rare"...

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