Saturday, November 24, 2018

Real or Not, Climate Change Is Much Ado About Nothing

The following opinion is based on facts that the climate change crowd just do not want anyone to know. And most "ordinary" people who fear climate change do not even know these facts.

The Earth is over 4 billion years old. Of that, 87% of that time the average mean temperature of the globe was at least 4-7 degrees HIGHER than it is now. We know this because SCIENCE has proved it, as shown by the Paleomap created by a conglomerate of experts in the Earth sciences. According to the climate change crowd, just 2 degrees would be devastating. (What they determine to be "devastating" will be discussed further on.)

Fact: At the end of the last Great Ice Age 10,000 years ago the Sahara was a lush, fertile plain.  Around 6000 BC the Earth's temperature had raised, turning it into the desert it is today. The residents were forced to move and settle in the fertile valley of the Nile, whice gave rise to the Great Egyptian Empire.

Another fact: up until around 1200 AD the Earth was substantially warmer than now. We know this from geological and archeological data. Grapes were grown as far north as England.

That is when the "Little Ice Age" (LIA) began. Go ahead - look it up and read about it. LIA lasted through the mid 19th century. Likely caused by a series of active volcanoes around the globe, LIA was responsible for the decimation of some civilizations, and causing others to pull up stakes and move to friendlier climes.  Mankind suffered - food grew scarce as seasons were short. Rats, too, were hungry and began contaminating food sources stored by humans. It is believed this may have indirectly caused the Black Plague from all the fleas the rats harbored. One-third of Europe's population died.

The Vikings, until then were agrarian - they farmed the lush lands of Greenland. With the ice age, their farms could no longer feed them, and Greenland, until recently, became fields of ice. To survive, the Vikings became marauders of the British Isles, giving them their reputation of terror.

With the end of LIA around 1850, the Earth began to return to "normal". As with any post ice age, the warming began slowly, then steadily increases until the norm returns. We are STILL far below Earth's norm.

The climate change crowd, like Chicken Little, are crying that the sky is falling. It isn't. Will the Earth continue to warm? Unless something drastic happens like a series are large volcanoes or a super volcano blowing its lid to cause a "nuclear winter", yes, it will continue to warm. And it will do so no matter what we do or don't do.

But that is not even the point. The real point is whether or not Mankind will suffer a terrible fate because of it.

History shows that is not likely. In the past, civilizations flourished during the warmest cycles, and came to a virtual standstill during cold periods. And what if we are successful at stopping the warming? What if our efforts actually contribute to the start of an ice age? If the average mean temperature drops even 1 or 2 degrees, it creates a domino effect that brings more cooling until an ice age is upon us. Which would you prefer - perpetual spring & summer, or perpetual fall and winter? As the planet warms, there is more arable land for growing food, and for settlement. There is far less need for burning fossil fuels for heating. Melting glaciers increase fresh water supplies which is sorely needed.

So, if civilizations thrive during warm spells, why are the Chicken Littles so fearful? It's simple, really. While there are many factors involved, one that points it out quite well is that most of the climate crowd that fear the consequences are the elitists and liberals, most of whom have expensive properties on or near our ocean shores. And large populations live in port cities, and they don't relish having to pull up stakes and move.

If we want to really make a difference in the health of the planet, we would put our efforts into replenishing the rain forests, as they are literally the lungs of the planet. The amount of oxygen in our atmsphere is down nearly 40% over a hundred years ago, as the forests, which produce virtually all oxygen (and use up carbon dioxide) are cut down on a grand scale. Now THAT is something we really CAN do something about, and it would make a huge difference. The drastic increase in asthma and other breathing issues since the '50's is no accident. We need oxygen and fresh water. Global warming and a replenishment of rain forests can provide both.

Mankind will survive warming quite well, and in general will thrive. Thank God we're not facing global cooling...yet!

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