Monday, January 23, 2017

Helping Hillary Figure Out Why She Lost

Politico reports that Hillary Clinton is still trying to figure out why she lost the election. Frankly, if she does not know the answer to that, she has no business even running for office. However, for the sake of her sanity, and to help her get through this, I will make it as simple and clear as is humanly possible.

Hillary lost for three big reasons (there are other, smaller reasons discussed at the end)

The first reason: Hillary did not address the issues important to middle America - everyday people. She should learn and apply Maslov's hierchy of needs. If people are struggling just to put food on the table, you won't get far talking about gender issues

Second reason: she took important states for granted, and did not campaign there. States like Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio...

Third reason: most of Hillary's pressers and fund raisers were with the liberal elite, like all the Hollywood celebrities. Mainstream America saw that, and said, "She does not even recognize I exist. She lives in a bubble. How can she represent me?"

Those are the biggies. Lesser reasons - which had a minor effect - were the scandals - Benghazi, and her blaming it on a video no one ever saw; her deletion of 30,000 emails; and all her lies, beginning with the one about being under sniper fire on the tarmac, and ending with "there was no classified info in my emails", and "Donald Trump is mysogynist & racist" (the evidence proves otherwise).

But the main reasons she lost are the first three I have listed, showing arrogance, ignorance and detachment from the real people of middle America.

As a side note: #1 and #3 are the same reasons why the 16 other REPUBLICAN candidates lost to Trump.


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