Saturday, September 19, 2015

Obama - Christian or Not

A schill recently posed a question to Donald Trump stating that President Obama is a Muslim in an attempt to create a "gotcha" for Trump. But that is not the real story here. The story is whether or not there is any credence to the man's assertion that Obama is a Muslim. Here are the facts:

1) Mr Obama was born and raised during his formative years as a Muslim. He admits that.

2) At a later age Obama claims to have converted to Christianity

3) He still claims he is a Christian.

And here is where many find a problem. What a person learns in his formative years (through age 7) stays with the person, as those are the core beliefs and experiences upon which all future experiences are judged. It is the lens a person sees through, and it is nearly impossible to erase those early beliefs. Therefore, it is highly likely that Obama's beliefs, and certainly his actions, are colored by those early beliefs.

Moreover, a lot of people take exception to calling the church of Reverend Wright, which Obama attended for 22 years, as being in any way Christian. It is a church where hate and bigotry is preached.

But the most powerful indictment is Mr. Obama's actions. You can call yourself whatever you wish, but you are judged by your actions, not your words. And it is impossible to discount that President Obama has acted in ways that discriminate against Christianity. Many of his actions directly attack Christianity at every level.

And we cannot turn a blind eye to his constant favoring of Muslims in his actions - it seems every foreign policy decision he has made in the Middle East has favored Muslims over Christians, even backing the Muslim Brotherhood, not taking out ISIS, pulling out of the Middle East, the Iran Deal, and his disdain and disrespect of the Israeli government. His disdain for Israel is apparent.

And that is the case for those who claim he is still, in his heart, Muslim. His actions, not his words, would so indicate.


And here is something to chew on before a person chooses to indict Mr Obama...

In America, a person is innocent until PROVED otherwise. If a person says he is innocent, he is to be believed, until and unless evidence is produced that proves something different. Whereas Obama states he is Christian, we are obligated to accept that until proof comes out to the contrary. And while there is substantial circumstantial evidence that he is Muslim at heart, that does not constitute proof.

So, here is my take - Mr Obama has converted to Christianity, but he was raised Muslim and those early core beliefs remain with him, affecting his decisions and actions and making it difficult for him to actually BE a Christian. As it says in the Bible, "No man can serve two masters". If a person's brain says "Christian" but his heart says "Muslim", there is a tremendous struggle within.

And until Mr Obama is able to resolve that within himself, there will always be doubts as to where his faith truly lies. And in the meantime, we should give him the benefit of the doubt.


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