Friday, December 27, 2013

What the Climate Change Crowd DOESN'T Tell You

Except for possibly Pelosi & Reid on ObamaCare, I have never seen more BS about a subject than the BS that the Climate Change/Global Warming crowd puts forth. And it is high time the truth came out.

First - the climate is always changing. Always. Nothing stagnates for long in nature. And in nature, everything is cyclical. So, the BASIC premise is that the Earth gets warmer, then gets colder, then gets warmer, etc. But within that scenario there are anomalies.

Below I have a link to a chart from the esteemed Palomar Project that shows the base temperature of the earth throughout its existence, according to data provided by a variety of sciences, including geology, archaeology, paleontology, meteorology etc. This data is accepted by all major universities. And, as you can see, the Earth is typically much warmer than it is now. The natural, normal average temperature of Earth is roughly a whopping 22 degrees Farenheit warmer than it is now. This indicates that we would be coming out of a cooling period. The very tiny, last part of the chart (in orange) shows the only time frame Al Gore and the global warming crowd use for their bogus models.

In fact, science is aware of "The Little Ice Ice" (LIA) that took place from the 1300's until about 1850, when the Earth cooled somewhat, probably due to some unusual event, such as a supervolcano or a meteor strike. In any case, it take hundreds of years to come out of even a minor cooling period, so that would account for the gradual temperature increase we are experiencing. To assume it is caused by Man is to be incredibly arrogant - we are but mites on the face of this rock spinning through space.

Before LIA, the main producer of grapes for wine was found in England. When LIA hit, the major wine producing area was hundreds of miles further south, in southern France - where it still is, today. And England is still too cold to grow grapes.

Another item the Chicken Littles overlook - during every cool spell, civilization slowed, and was beleaguered with pestilence and wars, as people had to struggle and fight for adequate food. And during every warm period, civilization took off, as was the case during the Renaissance. Mankind fares MUCH better during the warm cycles.

So here is the short take - Earth's temperature is normally much warmer. Every so often something happens to cool the planet, such as a meteorite strike that creates a "nuclear winter", or a supervolcano (there are 12 on Earth) eruption that has the same effect. Such forces cool the Earth, and then it takes hundreds, thousands, of tens of thousands of years to get back to normal, depending on the severity of the cooling event. (in the 1800's, the island of Krakatoa exploded from volcanic activity. The ash filled the sky around the globe causing what history refers to as "the year without a summer")

So, here is the chart that shows we are still in a very cool period of Earth's history, with a long way to go before we hit "normal" temperature. Should anyone panic? Only the global warming/climate change nuts, who will be proven to be fear-mongering Chicken Littles.


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