Saturday, September 7, 2013

A New Look At Obama & The Middle East

I am not a conspiracy theorist. But what I am about to post may sound like I have become one. I have not. This is an honest observation.

During the Arab Spring in Egypt, Obama (and Hillary) supported dethroning the secular government and allowing Islamists to take over.

In Libya, Obama (and Hillary) acted to take out the secular government and replace it with Islamists.

Now, in Syria, Obama wants to bomb the living crap out of the secular government which would most likely be replaced with Islamists.

It is not a "conspiracy theory" to see a pattern here. But why? Is it intentional?

Consider that behavioral science tells us that the foundations of a persons basic, most deeply held beliefs are formed during the first 5 years of life. And President Obama was raised as a Muslim for his first 7 years. And now, in just a couple of short years, he has been instrumental in turning secular middle-east countries into Islamist strongholds.

And now I begin to wonder if there is not a more diabolical endgame in store. Certainly Obama must know that if we lob bombs into Syria, both Syria and its allies will strike back. Then what? Escalation of hostility, with a very real threat of a World War, as Russia, China and the middle east could easily converge against Israel, America and our allies in Europe - exactly as prophesized in Revelations. The Bear of the North (Russia), the Kings of the East (China) against Israel and the Eagle of the West (America).

Is it possible that our leader is intent on being the catalyst that gives Islam the chance to rule the world?

Just food for thought. But what is undeniable is that every secular Middle East nation we have gotten involved in (with the exception of Israel) has been turned Islamist with the help of Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton.

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