Monday, July 7, 2008

Majority Rule?

Before the Supreme Court had a conservative majority and the liberals were in charge, they made yet another, of many, poor rulings, in violation of the Constitution. They ruled that "eminent domain" could be used to take private lands for public BENEFIT, rather than the public USE required under the Constitution.

Their wrong-headed thinking violates not only the Constitution, but also the very tenets of our Republic. This is because liberals want America to be a Democracy, but it is not. Under the law, and by decree in the Constitution, America is a REPUBLIC, which is quite different from a Democracy.

In a Democracy, majority rules. Democrats like that, because it empowers them to levy more taxes and rob us of more rights. All they need is to convince a majority that something is best, and that's it! The government gains power, and the people lose it.

But in a Republic, the majority does not rule. Each of us has the sole power. As Henry David Thoreau so aptly put it, "When the rights of the majority take away the rights of the one, we all suffer." In other words, we should never forget that EACH of us is the ONE. Sometimes we are in the majority; sometimes not. Do we give up our God-given rights just because we are not in the majority?

The Founding fathers thought about a Democracy as a form of governance, and flatly rejected it, and chose a Republic, instead. The primary reason lies in the fact that, by nature, Man will always favor having others take responsibility for them. And that invariably results in bigger government, until government finally is the sole power. No longer would it be "of the people, by the people, for the people." We are very close to that now, thanks to liberals.

If we, as Americans, are ever to set things right, and prevent losing our rights, we have but one choice. We must once again declare our independence as a Republic, and toss out the notion that we are a Democracy.

It was FDR that changed the landscape, and began brainwashing Americans into thinking we are a Democracy. Until then, everyone knew we were a Republic. Now, we must set the record straight. We must teach our children the difference, and teach them the importance of being a Republic.

And teach them that if we allow the majority to rule, we all lose, because we are all just ONE.

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