Saturday, May 17, 2008

Open Borders?

A lot of liberals believe America should open its borders to any immigrant that wants to come here. So, let us take a brief look at what would happen.

First, since we are a rich nation, every thief and criminal in the world would rush to America - the pickings are so much better than in, say, Peru or Norway, and our legal system provides them far better protections.

Of the 6 billion people on this planet, nearly 4 billion are poor. Most of them would prefer to live here if they could. So let's assume even 10% of them actually take advantage of open borders - that's 400 million people, which more than DOUBLES the current population. And since the census bureau claims the population will double in the next 40 years, that means America would have to support more than 1.6 BILLION souls.

So what, say the liberals. The more the merrier!

But here is where their HUGE blind spot starts to become apparent.

Our highways are already crowded, as are our cities. Imagine the road rage with 4 times as many drivers on the already crowded streets. And while you have your imagination working, imagine the unemployment rate - there are just so many jobs. And school systems, already strained to the breaking point, would have to find ways to educate 4 times as many children - most of whom cannot even speak English - in already overcrowded schools. Colleges and universities, already unable to take all the students that apply, will now have 4 times as many applicants - so the chances your child or grandchildren will get a college education is either reduced, or the cost is far too great as demand quickly outstrips supply.

Speaking of supply and demand, the demand for products and services would quadruple, increasing costs considerably. And where, pray tell, would an extra billion people find homes to live in? And what about overcrowded emergency rooms, and increased healthcare costs?

Social Security is bankrupt. Imagine having 4 times more people trying to cash in on it.

Look, it's simple math. Four times more people means we need 4 times more schools, homes, businesses, jobs, roads, parking areas, parks, offices, etc. etc. etc. If you think your neighbor is too close now, imagine how close they will be with open borders. If you think housing is already too expensive, it would be 4 times as much with open borders.

And we are already incapable of producing enough energy for our citizens - brown-outs are a regular occurrence in many areas. Imagine increasing the load by 400%.

We are a rich nation because our population has not out-paced our resources. With open borders, that would change, and your standard of living would be forced downward.

Ask yourself: does America really need to play host to a billion poor, and probably uneducated people who can contribute little, but use up much of our resources? Low income people do NOT pay taxes. But they use resources and services all the same.

So, why do liberal elites want open borders? Most of them simply have not thought things out. But some, like George Soros, have. Those people are a real threat to the American way of life. They know that by bringing in so many low-income, uneducated people, it would put such a strain on our system that we would be forced to embrace socialism. In order to support everyone to at least a minimal degree, incomes must be redistributed. The tax rate would be at least 70%, in order to socialize our system. And nothing pleases a liberal more than to have greater control over your money.

And another point: the largest population in the world, short of Chinese, are muslims. So a huge number of muslims would suddenly flood American shores. And as many countries have already discovered (i.e France or Denmark), a surge in the muslim population results in loss of control of your heritage. Even here, muslims are already abusing our system to change the American way of life. Muslim cabbies won't transport you if you are not "in tune" with THEIR beliefs. They are requiring special priviledges (foot washing facilities, for example), knowing it would look like discrimination or "racial profiling" if we object. Muslims emmigrate to free nations, then pull together to bring that nation to its knees, to praise Allah. Don't think so? Look around. Many nations have already fallen, including Somalia, Indonesia, and other non-Arab lands. And they are striving to outnumber citizens in Denmark, France, Germany and England.

'Nuff said.

1 comment:

Matthew Christensen said...

Just wanted to let you know how right you are on almost all of your topics. It's always rare to find someone who is mentally "awake" in this day and age and doesn't just follow the Main-Stream news.

Keep your posts up, thanks!