Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Reclaiming Your Health

There has been a lot of discussion lately on health care. But what no one seems to be talking about is that what they really mean is "sick care". It's not about staying healthy. It's all about being sick.

Health Care in America is expensive only because so many Americans get sick so often. This is not natural. In nature, good health is the norm, simply because it is necessary for survival of the species. So, why are so many Americans forced to spend so much of their treasure on fighting ill health?

IntelliBiz, publisher of "The Simple Man's Guide" series of how-to books has the answer to that, as well as a solution to most of our ills. Their latest work, "The Simple Man's Guide to Natural Health & Healing" is the result of 7 years of intensive research and practical application. In it you will discover how and why we got into such a sorry state, and exactly what we can do, individually, to regain and maintain optimal health for ourselves and our families.

For example, did you know that our air has 40% less oxygen than it did just 100 years ago? Or that our soil, necessary for producing our food supply, is 80% depleted of nutrients and trace minerals, necessary for good health?

These and many other important facts are thoroughly researched, and solutions are provided that you, yourself, can implement. The volume also covers all the nutrients, minerals, vitamins, amino acids, fats, carbs and proteins, and shows you why you need each them, and how to make sure you get them in the right quantity, and in the right combinations.

The Guide then explores a natural, healthy, filling diet of good, wholesome foods including meats, fruits, nuts, and veggies (vegans can eliminate the meats), and includes a sample menu for maintaining optimal weight and health.

And finally, "The Simple Man's Guide to Natural Health & Healing" includes an alphabetical directory of illnesses and the natural treatments for them.

All in all, this is the best, most informative book we have ever reviewed on the subject of health. At just $19.95, it is the cheapest "Health Care Plan" around.

"The Simple Man's Guide to Natural Health & Healing" can be ordered online here.

You won't be disappointed.

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